Nine Baptisms And Two Restorations In Recent Campaign In Ghana...

At [SIBS], our emphasis is practical training of ministers to preach the gospel of Christ. Throughout the two-year period of training, the board ensures that students not only involve in weekly campaign visits to nearby congregations, but also extensive weekly campaigns in each term.

Campaign – Akim Akropong

In the month of February, some of the students from [SIBS] traveled among a team of preachers to Akropong in the eastern region of the country. The objective was to start a church in not only this strategic small town because of its location, but also its history. This campaign meant so much to us because, besides the fact that it is located in a predominantly Calvinistic district, the Presbyterian church was first established here in the late twentieth century. Two chiefs in the town both welcomed us, and pledged their support to our mission here, provided we have come with the gospel of peace.

The campaign involved a week of personal evangelism – studying with prospects from house to house, in the market square and along the streets. Abundant tracts were distributed to as many people as could read. In the end, the campaign resulted in nine baptisms and two restorations. As a means of follow-up, an old and mature brother from a nearby congregation was charged to visit the new congregation on weekends to assist them in teaching and preaching. The seed has been sown here, and we pray that it grows to bear much fruit.

Meanwhile, the infant church now worships in one of the Presbyterian primary school classrooms. This new church needs your prayers, first to relocate and then to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus.

The [SIBS] students were unusually ecstatic and encouraged.

Hope you continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Seth Osae-Larbi

Posted on April 12, 2015 .