Cameroon Campaign Produces Fruit Of A Special Kind...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from your brothers and sisters here at BVBIC. Our name has changed from CBIW to the one you can see which is Bear Valley Bible Institute of Cameroon–Wotutu. The family is growing and we praise God for every positive change that is occurring in the family.

I am excited again to share with you what made news from this end. For the past two weeks the students of the Gamma batch were out for one week doing house-to-house evangelism in 22 villages and then transit them to their home for a one week vacation. Praise be to our God as I write that they made it back to the campus and the second quarter will continue after we return from another mass campaign this week.

God was with them and the result they made is great. To God all the glory goes. Their very first outing signifies they will do great things as God leads them.

The students made it to their different places of work safe and sound, but with lots of difficulties, because of the bad roads, so the transport I gave them was underestimated because of the nature of the roads. They were bound to trek to meet up with their assignments. Brother Valentine preached during the house-to-house and left tracts on every home as they passed by.

They are assigned to evangelize and also nurture existing congregations, as our students initiated children’s classes.We are eager to start teaching preachers’ wives in a short course that will help them marvelously to teach children who are the church of tomorrow, so we move along with all under our care.

Many congregations continue to appreciate our efforts through the sending of students to many areas. They said, “We thank you. We are ready to feed students as they work with us, but financially we are handicapped.” Words like this are touching, as you see people eager for someone who will help them know God and serve him, but most of the time they cannot afford to keep a preacher. I have realized that the best way to keep the church growing with soundness is to make sure every congregation has a preacher that will help.

Brother Abanda Edwin, in Nake village, did house-to-house evangelism and distributed tracts to every home. We are getting lots of positive response from this tract exercise, as many continue to gain knowledge from it. Our tracts open doors for prospects and later on leads to converts. God bless Mission Printing for their help and all those who made it possible for us to have the tracts in Cameroon.

Our students bear the risk of bending their waist down because there is no seat where people are ready to receive the word. Brother Mendi Simon stayed in any posture to make sure he transplanted the truth to a soul.

Brother Valentine baptized a soul. Keep praying for him as he plans to move his wife from the village to Wotutu, so that she will learn part-time before they graduate and be in the field full-time.

Brother Mendi Simon baptized a soul. This first campaign made the following results:

Number of baptisms: 35
Number of restorations: 26
Number of new congregation: 1 (Ngwandi church of Christ)

Keep praying for the work here. We know the one that wins soul is wise. The field is ripe and we are doing our best to prepare workers to go, as they think souls, so that they may rob some from the strong man’s house.

1) These 23 students we depart Wotutu to Lebialem for a 5 day mass evangelism campaign. This involves many in Cameroon, but we want to make an impact, as all our graduates will travel with us to do this job.

2) We will need to send students weekly to this newly established congregation.

3) Bibles are in needed now both for converts and others.

Prayer Request
Please pray for some students who came back with sickness because of may be bad water and food in their own locations..

Pray for our trip to Lebialem which is a long trip from Wotutu village.

Many, many thanks to God for all He did for us, His protection over us and the students. We thank God for you, as you continue to stand with us to make things happen. God will bless you and keep you strong. Share our report with someone who may love to know more about us.

Our students ended their first campaign after the first quarter of long courses. That is why I also followed some of them to their locations to be part of their work.

God bless you. We thank you for all that you are doing for the cross in Cameroon. Keep it up and do not faint, so that you will receive your reward in due season.

The one that wins souls is wise.

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Elangwe and family
By His grace Director CBIW  

Posted on March 23, 2015 .