Preparing Men And Living The Gospel Of Jesus To The Glory Of God...

“Go therefore and make disciple of all nations…”Mathew 28:19 (NASB).

Today I would like to share with you two pieces of news. Let me begin with the good news. It is always joyful to see people who are ready to work for the Lord in His vineyard. Beginning this week, we are going to see our students working with the area congregations in an evangelism outreach ministry. Last week, the Director of ACSOP (Daniel Gaines) called a short meeting with all the preachers and introduced this idea, and asked them to use the students to evangelize in their local congregations. All the preachers were excited and very happy to hear about the program. This win-win program will also be helpful to our students in their academic report. About 28 students of first and second year are going to participate in this evangelism program. They will be sent out and work with 13 congregations. This idea goes along with the mission of the school “to prepare men and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the glory of God.” I hope you will put these men into your daily prayers as they seek to save the lost souls and help to grow these congregations.

On a sad note, two of our students did not come back to school this semester: Kevin Myombe, who went back to his secular education, and Yona Baraza. We need also to continue praying for our brother, Yona. He was not able to come back to school due to mental health problems caused by the late treatment of malaria. This brother was one of our best students in the school.

Thank you again for your support and prayers as we all continue working for Him and the Kingdom.

In Him,

Godfrey Mngoma
Dean of Students, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school
Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on March 1, 2015 .