Preparing For Outreach Around The World...

The current quarter of studies in Denver is nearly completed and students are preparing for their campaigns. Please pray for these men as they travel to various places to share the gospel with others. The opportunity to reach the lost is one component of this effort, but it is also a time to help encourage and strengthen good brethren who desire to see the church grow where they live. The time is always fruitful for everyone involved.

Various reports from extension locations also shares news of outreach from the students who go each weekend for evangelism. Observing the work done by these men encourages brethren in their respective locations, but also all of us. Reading about souls who were added to the kingdom, fallen brethren restored, churches strengthened, and new congregations planted all point to the power of the gospel that is proclaimed.

Moving forward into a new month only gives us hope of more great work for the Lord. March holds several activities scheduled within the extension program. We will share more information as the weeks unfold, but please pray for the development of each location and the safety of all who travel to and from these activities. We all know the power of prayer and God continues to answer by giving the increase, just as He promised.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

The latest report from Howell Ferguson can be read here.

The latest report from Steven Ashcraft can be read here.

Extension Reports 

Nigeria Plants, Cameroon Waters, God Gives The Increase - And Then There Was Koba - God Is Good All The Time: You just need to read this incredible story to get the whole picture.

Students Eager To Learn, Grow, And Serve The Kingdom: Activities for the students in Chimala, Tanzania demonstrate their eagerness to be involved in kingdom work.

High Anticipation To Complete Year Two In Ghana: After a short break, students at the Southern Institute of Biblical Studies returned to class ready to complete their studies.

Preparing Men And Living The Gospel Of Jesus To The Glory Of God: The mission of ACSOP in Arusha, Tanzania has students laboring to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Spiritual Disciplines Seminar Growing The Church In Tanzania: Plans to help local congregations recently began their weekly seminar on “Spiritual Disciplines” with great success.

Final Thoughts 
We close with a word of appreciation. Thank you for the time you take to read through the reports and pray about this work. Thank you for your involvement in this program and the encouragement you provide everyone who is involved. Thank you for your generosity. God has blessed this work through each of you. Thank you.

God bless

Posted on March 1, 2015 .