Fervently Preparing For Greater Expansion...

Last week, the staff from the extension program at Bear Valley came together to discuss various matters related to the current issues within the program and the challenges before us in the development of our plan to expand. We spent a day and a half together discussing these areas and discovered answers to various concerns enabling us to determine how we can move forward in the expansion of the work. We appreciate and covet your prayers for wisdom in making the right decisions for the furtherance of training preachers.

Students in Denver are nearing the end of their quarter of studies. For a few of these men, it is the end of their first quarter of studies at the Bible Institute. For seniors in the program, they are nearing their final quarter of studies before entering into full-time ministry. Campaigns will commence in a few weeks taking men from Colorado to Georgia to Grand Cayman. Please pray for open and receptive hearts to the word they share.

While snow is blanketing Denver, after a major winter storm, around the world men are fervently studying to prepare themselves for greater evangelistic outreach where they live. The reports this week share information about the fruit born as a result of the gospel preached. How exciting it is to read about the efforts put forth by these men and see how God is giving the increase. We also ask you to pray for these men as they share the gospel.

Plans are only plans until they are implemented by those who make them. Our plans for expansion, plans for outreach by students in each location, and plans for strengthening the global church can only achieve success by the diligent effort of everyone involved to take the plans and put them into practice. This is when we find the successful development of God’s plan.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

Extension Reports 

The Spirit Of Evangelism Is Growing In Cameroon: Reading the report out of Cameroon demonstrates the power of evangelism and plans for a combined effort from all three classes.

The Work Continues To Be Fruitful In Nigeria: The news encourages everyone as souls are added to the kingdom as a result of the outreach from staff and students at SWSE.

Workshop Helps Develop Strong Leadership For The Church In Ghana: Plans for training stronger leaders in the northern section of Ghana will make a difference in the Lord’s kingdom.

God Supplies Through His Faithful Sons, You And I: The staff report from Arusha, Tanzania shares the powerful way God works through His faithful children to achieve His work.

Planning To Assist Local Evangelism In Arusha, Tanzania: Students from the Andrew Connally School of Preaching are cooperating with local congregations to evangelize the area.

Final Thoughts 
Thank you for your dedication to read the reports each week and your involvement in supporting this work. We love sharing the news each week about the growth of the program. Reading through the reports and learning how God is blessing the efforts of everyone involved in extension training is exciting. We thank you for making it all possible. To God be the glory.

God bless

Posted on February 22, 2015 .