Mission's Day In Greenbrier Is Powerful...

Mission’s Day: The first Sunday of February each year is the annual Mission’s Day for the Greenbrier Church of Christ. The focus for this congregation is in the area of mission work they currently support. They also take up a special collection to assist these endeavors with additional support. We are always thankful to share in this wonderful day and enjoy the fellowship of a beautiful congregation that has been involved in Bear Valley’s work for many years.

Not only does this congregation help support two staff members in the extension program, but also another staff member for the school in Denver. Additionally, they are involved with the work in Ghana, West Africa, along with numerous other works around the world. Greenbrier provides a great example for others when considering that nearly 30% of their budget each year supports missions. Thank you!

Classes in Denver continue to advance students through the quarter with their studies in various subjects. Their preparation for work in the kingdom encourages us to prioritize the nature of our efforts for the Lord. The work of students in the extension program also continues to demonstrate the dedication of men who desire to serve in the Lord’s church. Several reports below indicate the maturing of students in areas of Christian giving and the depth of their efforts in reaching out to others with the gospel.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for Kim Kasarjian. The Kasarjian’s should know final results from Kim’s tests this week. Initial reports from her blood work last Tuesday were positive, as her blood levels were good. At some point, she had the West Nile virus, but final details of your bone marrow biopsy will be in this week. Thank you for your prayers.

Now on to this week’s reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

The latest report from Donnie Bates can be read here.

Extension Reports 

Growth, Zeal, And Determination Are Seen In Cameroon: Students of the Gamma class are demonstrating the right attitude and focus for their development over the next two-years.

Highlighting The Giving Example Of Students In Cambodia: Students at the International Bible Institute of Siem Reap provide a great example of the giving spirit of Christianity.

Great Workshop 2015 and Guest Speakers Featured In Nigeria: A recent lectureship near Ibadan, Nigeria featured guest speakers from the U.S. and souls were added to the church.

The Greatest Work Of All Times, Seeking And Saving The Lost: Reports from graduates of the Andrew Connally School of Preaching indicate God’s increase to their efforts in the kingdom.

Final Thoughts 
Thank you all for supplying every need within the work of this program. The school in Denver, and each location where we are privileged to share in the work of training preachers, are blessed by your generosity, time, ability, prayers, and encouragement. Our prayers are for God’s continued blessings on you as we labor together for the greatest cause.

God bless

Posted on February 1, 2015 .