Students In Paraguay Begin Their Fourth Quarter Of Studies...

Andrea and I would like to wish everyone a very happy holiday season! We pray this finds you all doing well and blessed in His kingdom as we gather together with our families and friends. This time of year is always special, even if we are thousands of miles from home. We have so many things for which to thank our Lord that occurred this past year, but above all, we praise God for the blessing and opportunity to serve here in Paraguay. We love you and miss you all!

Developments at the Avenida Sacramento Iglesia de Cristo
It has been rather quiet around here this past month, but that does not mean there were no activities. For one, our interns, Pablo Yuri and Italo Rocha, have been very involved with our adolescent youth group with various classes and activities. The group is growing in both numbers and spirituality. They also organize a “Men’s Soccer Night” every Monday evening. Plus, they are active in our Young Adults group meetings and events. They do a great job!

The men of the congregation have been teaching our Sunday morning classes on “The Christian Home,” which is going very well and they, too, have been doing an outstanding job!

The Asuncion Bible Academy students have begun their fourth quarter of studies! They are all doing very well with their assignments and each one has received good grades for the past three quarters. The first few months of this quarter has them studying 1 and 2 Kings, Galatians and Ephesians, Church History, and Church Planting. I am teaching three of the classes and brother Eliezer Perez is teaching a fourth class. The Church Planting class has them preparing a special group project for a survey trip to the city of Hernandarias where we will be gathering information with the hope planting a new church there within the next couple of years. After the holidays, they will then have several short courses taught by our brethren Luis Camacho, Osvaldo Rodriguez, and Ike Yegros. We ask that you please keep the students in your prayers.

Developments at the Iglesia de Cristo of Ñemby
The brethren at Ñemby have decided to look for a place to rent in the city of San Lorenzo as a place for worship and study. After much consideration and searching for a place in downtown Ñemby, they have decided that perhaps San Lorenzo would be a better choice for them. The city is very close to Ñemby and there are several members who live there already. There are also members that live in Capiata who attend, so this option would be better for all of the members. They plan to find something on the main route of traffic and with easy access from the bus routes.

Our missionary to Ñemby is making plans to get married this next month to our sister in Christ, Raquel Franco. We are excited for them!    

Personal Developments and Activities
Andrea was really busy this past month with lots of activities with the Las Amigas Club. November is always a busy month for them because of the annual Thanksgiving Luncheon, one of their biggest fundraising events of the year.

ACE Hardware recently opened a store in Paraguay and has chosen the Las Amigas Club as their local charity. They wanted to put on a big, in-store event to promote their new relationship and asked Andrea and Kim to host a cooking demonstration on how to prepare a traditional American Thanksgiving Dinner. They did a great job and it was a big success! Watch out, Martha Stewart!

Andrea was once again invited back to the U.S. Embassy to participate in their annual Artisan Craft Fair with her business, Más Que Dulces. Andrea sold out of everything she had made for the day, made many new contacts, and took several orders. Along with all the other regular orders, MQD has done quite well this month!

This year we spent our Thanksgiving Dinner in Paraguay with a group of our American friends and their families.... at a Brazilian Steakhouse. It lacked the traditional Thanksgiving flair, but the important thing was spending special time with special friends.

It was great to have David, Lisa, and Michael Carter come visit and worship with us one Sunday this past month. Michael is currently serving in Paraguay with the Peace Corps. David and Lisa are missionaries in El Valle, Panama, and had made a trip to come visit their son. We know them from having visited Panama and also through their family in Milton, FL. After services, we had a nice lunch together and thoroughly enjoyed our time visiting with them.

“THANK YOU!” to all of our generous supporters!

Troy and Andrea Spradlin

To see the report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on December 6, 2015 .