A Month To Be Thankful...

November is a month that provides an opportunity in the U.S. to celebrate Thanksgiving. Other countries around the world also celebrate a time of Thanksgiving, some earlier in the year and others near this time. Regardless, we know the value of expressing our gratitude. We also know that an attitude of thanksgiving is not a yearly event, but daily. During the next few weeks as we lead up to this special day, we will focus on a few areas where we are thankful.

We are thankful for the dedicated staff who serve in each location. Whether talking about BVBI in Denver or the eighteen locations where we are privileged to work along side those who serve in the extension program, the dedication of these staff members is worthy of emulating. Without them this program would not function at such a strong level. The time spent preparing for classes, teaching students, providing an evangelistic example, and working with local congregations to grow exemplifies the dedication to the Lord that demands our gratitude. We thank you and we thank God for you.

Students in Denver continue to plow their way through the coursework of all six classes and they near the mid-way point in the quarter. Students in each extension location also make their way through coursework as they approach the new year. Reports below indicate the level of activity they demonstrate in their work both in and out of the classroom.

With the approaching new year, two new locations will begin training preachers: Fiji and Malawi. Please pray for these areas as we work together to provide training for men who desire to share the gospel. We look forward to sharing news about the development and progress of the students throughout their journey. 

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

The latest report from Howell Ferguson can be read by clicking here.

Extension Reports

Taking The Gospel And Teaching Others To Read And Write: The past week was filled with evangelism in Cameroon, along with efforts to help others learn to read and write.

After A Trip To Gorlovka, BVBIU Focuses On Evangelism: After a heart-wrenching trip to war-torn Ukraine, staff and students spend time evangelizing areas in Western Ukraine.

First Year Student At ACSOP In Tanzania Is Filled With Gratitude: One of the top students at ACSOP expresses his gratitude for the opportunity to attend school and serve in the kingdom.

Thoughts On Inviting Missionaries To Speak At The Local Congregation: A wonderful article by Daniel Gaines highlights reasons for inviting missionaries to speak to the church.

Final Thoughts
Closing out the reports this week with a focus on why we should invite missionaries to speak to our congregations was encouraging. Our prayer is that each of us will see the value of the God-given role of helping brethren who dedicate themselves to go to various locations around the world preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus. According to scripture, we are to send them in a manner worthy of God, and by our support we are fellow workers with the truth (3 Jn. 6-8).

God bless

Posted on November 8, 2015 .