Nearing The End Of One Year And Preparing For A New One...

After a time of celebrating Thanksgiving Day, students returned to Bear Valley to finish their last few weeks of the quarter. Entering the last month of the year introduces several significant thoughts: two young men will complete their studies and graduate, freshmen complete their first two quarters and become sophomores, a new class of students will enter the program in January, we reflect on the achievements of the past year, and we consider the direction for 2016.

The same is true within the extension program. December is an exciting time of the year as we have opportunity to examine the growth and development of the program throughout the world. We are always encouraged by the results accomplished by these students who are dedicated to putting into practice the lessons they learn in the classroom. We look forward to sharing the information as we approach the end of the year.

Looking ahead to 2016 is exciting. Two new schools begin training men to preach: Suva, Fiji and Mzuzu, Malawi (East Africa). Both of these schools are strategically located to train several men to preach. The location in Fiji allows us to work with men throughout the South Pacific and the American Samoan islands. The school in Malawi has already interviewed 54 men and received 66 applications, with more on the way. The opportunities are beyond exciting.

Additionally, several new locations are under consideration for the year ahead. Potentially, another five locations could begin training. We ask you to pray about the development of these locations and the investigative process to ensure the right decisions are made in God’s time and direction.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

The latest report from Gary Fallis can be read by clicking here.

Extension Reports

Gamma Batch Nears The End Of Their First Year Of Studies In Cameroon: As students finish exams and prepare for short-courses, they prepare for the last year of studies.

The Faithfulness Of God Is Seen In Another Great Week In Cameroon: As students are mentored in their training, God’s faithfulness shines in their maturity and outreach.

Students Grow Through Their Studies In The Church And Godhead: A short-course teacher in Zambia assists the students in two key studies as students continue to progress in their training.

Pressing On Toward The Goal In Nigeria: Although Pau’s passage in Philippians was the focus of the message, it also identifies the direction of the work in Ibadan, Nigeria.

Students Provide A Great Boost To Evangelism In Kenya: The efforts of KSOP students through weekend evangelism and campaigns provide a boost to the work of the church.

Moving Forward In The Lord’s Word After A Successful Graduation: Approaching the new year highlights the forward motion of the program in Tanzania after graduation. 

Training The Women To Teach Children In Tanzania: In addition to the evangelism and agricultural development in Arusha, women are learning how to teach the children.

Final Thoughts
Although Thanksgiving Day is behind us, we continue to express our gratitude for each of you. Your willingness to walk alongside us in the growth and development of training preachers continues to encourage us. As you look into the new year, we ask you to prayerfully consider how you can grow in your involvement with extension training. Thank you!

God bless

Posted on November 29, 2015 .