A Time To Be Thankful...

Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. While we are thankful each day, this week provides an opportunity for family and friends to celebrate a time of gratitude. We know the students in Denver are thankful for the week to focus on assignments as they near the end of the second quarter in December. We also know they are thankful for much more, as they express daily their gratitude for the opportunity to study at the Bible Institute.

From a staff perspective, we are thankful for each of these students and their desire to prepare for greater service in the kingdom of our Lord. We express our gratitude for God’s providential hand that guided them to Denver for deeper study, and we are confident they will make a lasting impression wherever they serve.

We are also thankful for each person connected to the extension training program. We give thanks for the students in each location because of the same desire to prepare for greater service in the kingdom, for their diligence in studying, and their proclamation of the word to the lost. We offer our thanks for the staff members who give of their time and energy to provide the proper guidance needed for these students to do the work. And we are thankful for the coordinators and teachers associated with Bear Valley Bible Institute International who serve as liaisons between Denver and the locations where they assist the development of preacher training.

We also want to thank the supporters of this work. Supporting this work involves more than financial support. There are so many who pray every day for this program, send words of encouragement, donate travel miles, and work behind the scenes to ensure the smooth operation of the entire program at Bear Valley. Your support of this work does not go unnoticed, and we are certainly thankful for those who provide the needed financial support to continue the work.

We are especially thankful to our God for sending His only Son as a sacrifice for our sins and the way to an eternal home. Without the demonstration of His love and continued guidance, this program would not exist, nor would it have a purpose to exist. We owe everything to Him. Thank You.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

Extension Reports

The Gospel Continues To Spread Throughout Cameroon: Weekend evangelism by the students and outreach from the local congregation at Wotutu sees fruit from the gospel preached.

Preaching The Word In Nigeria, From Worship To Endurance: The staff and students from BVBIN-Ibadan extend the word of God to help the church learn about several key areas.

Eleven Graduate From The Nepal Center For Biblical Studies: The largest class thus far in Nepal completes their studies and the director, Gajendra Deshar, gets engaged.

Rains Bring Amazing Changes To The Work In Tanzania: Unexpected rains in Tanzania make a major difference in the need for produce in the northern section of Tanzania.

A Temporary Location Brings Tent-Meetings To Njiro Chini: Moving to a temporary location in a tent helps the church in their move to meet in a permanent facility.

Farming Techniques Up And Down, But Benefit The Work In Tanzania: In the midst of recent challenges, Justin Maynard reports on the benefits of farming in Arusha.

Final Thoughts
On a final note: We simply want to wish each of you a special and happy Thanksgiving Day. We pray God blesses your home and fills it with friends and family. We love and appreciate you.

God bless

Posted on November 22, 2015 .