Outreach In Kenya Sees Fruit Born In The Lord's Kingdom...

I trust you are doing well and your family also. At KSOP we are OK. Just a note to say thank you for the money to send the students out to help the local churches. They are true ambassadors of Christ and also of the school. I feel encouraged to hear from the congregations that they are doing well in leading worship service and door to door evangelism. 

We sent 10 students to five congregations in Rift Valley and Kisii and response was amazing, the students tackled hand clapping and women leadership in the church which is a problem. Next quarter we would love to send them again at least twice. 

In Oct 1st I joined Maurice and John Bosco in Ikumu CoC where we worshiped with a small group of Christians who have been struggling with a lot of errors. We led worship service and showed them the bible worship. Four souls obeyed the gospel and were immersed. Last Sunday Oct 8th, Maurice visited them and led bible class and worship and one soul later obeyed the gospel. Maurice plans to plant a new congregation in a town near by and I suggested he help this church to grow spiritually before he moves. We also learnt that there are many churches of Christ in the villages with the name "Church of Christ" but with no bible worship. There is need to have Maurice and another person visiting and studying with these people more even during the break and reaching out to other groups.

Blessings to you for being part of this work.

His servant and yours,

Posted on November 15, 2015 .