Exciting New Beginnings With The Work In Cambodia...

"New Beginnings" 1 Co. 15:58

A new class began with a new school program this month and we are excited about the result that it will yield. There are so many significant changes and upgrades to IBISR that we can’t help but be excited. The rotation of teachers and the adding of English and Computer courses in the program not only benefits the students, but the teachers as well. We are truly blessed in Siem Reap!

I was invited to teach a short course in Yangon, Myanmar on the Kings and Prophets of the Old Testament to a group of 40 plus people, 5 hours a day for 7 days! It was an enriching experience for me. Spending time with the brethren there brought me back to my early days in Cambodia. I can see the similarities and potential for the Lord's kingdom to expand in Myanmar. There is potential for a proper Bible school there to keep the Christians growing in their faith. Please keep them in your prayers. 

God also added Phearom to His church this month. Phearom is a first year student. Please keep him in your prayers as he walks a new life with Christ!

Next month, I will join Wes Autrey and Mike Hite from Bear Valley, in Tanzania to speak on a Leadership Conference put on by the brethren there. I am really excited for the opportunity to meet the brethren in Africa! It will be my first time ever and I can’t wait to learn from them. I will update you next month about our trip to Africa!  Please keep us in your prayers as we serve God in that part of the world. 


To see Phanat’s report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on October 4, 2015 .