100+ Baptized Over The Last Two Months In Togo...

Nine Baptized in Assahoun Campaign
Evangelistic activities took us to Assahoun in the AVE region of Togo. Fifteen brethren left Kpalime with the Chariot and motor bikes to join members of the Assahoun Church of Christ in a three day outreach program. Activities included: Public preaching at night, film show, personal work in homes, and tract distribution on the street and in the market places. At the end of the three days activities, nine souls were added to the Assahoun Church of Christ. 

Visit to Nyiveme Church
In July, I had an opportunity to preach at the Nyiveme congregation on the topic “Your 40 days is Here” using 1 Samuel 17:4-11, 16 as a text. 

The Nyiveme congregation started in 2004 and it housed the school of preaching for a couple of years. As the first congregation in Kpalime city it has experienced significant growth, but as more congregations were planted, the Nyiveme congregation has to feed the newly planted ones with members. We had to allow members who were willing to transfer their membership to newly established congregation in order to also create space. The leadership of the congregation is initiating steps to raise funds to construct a shed above the present auditorium. 

Tsame Church of Christ Returns to Original Site
A couple of months ago when the Church of Christ wanted to purchase land to construct a meeting place, we couldn’t afford the price. We had to find a cheaper place on a mountain in Kpodzi. But all along we wished we had the place in Tsame on level ground. God realizing our plight, sent someone who was interested in purchasing several plots on the mountain for an industry. Since our structure was in the middle of the property the company intended to purchase, they met with the church and proposed that if the church decides to relocate, the company will not only purchase the new land but will also construct a new structure for the church. At this point the brethren quickly went back to the Tsame land, which was still available. This was how the Tsame church came back to their original place. This is God at work. The brethren have since started worshiping in their new place and their faith has increased. 

Motor Bike for CBS
A brother recently sent funds for Togo mission in response to our call for funds to purchase a motor bike for the center. This bike will facilitate student visits to congregations on Sunday, visit prospects for Bible study and run errands on behalf of school and church. Like Oliver Twist, we are asking for more. One of these bikes cost $900.00, i.e. bike and registration. 

Planning 2015 Graduation Program 
I am always grateful for the men around me who help in making the decisions. We recently met to plan the graduation program. All these men are preachers and staff members of CBS. 

Visit to Beme Church
On my recent visit to Togo, I had the opportunity to travel to Beme, a 20 minute drive from Kpalime. First, the purpose of the visit was to meet the family head in Beme who donated one plot of land for the church to construct a meeting place. And second, the purpose was to pay for the documents covering the land. 

While there, we met some ladies who were in a Bible study with the preacher that morning. Later we heard the good news that the ladies were ready to put on Christ in baptism. 

World Radio Sponsored Program
For the past few weeks, the brethren in Kpalime have been discussing the Ten Commandments. One of the speakers was Atah, an instructor at CBS. A young man responded to the gospel invitation and was baptized as a result of the radio program. The program is on air each Sunday evening from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm. We wish to thank our sponsors for this great opportunity to be on air with the saving message. 

We Need Help to Develop 26 Plots of Land for CBS
About twelve years ago, the eldership of the West Dyersburg Church of Christ helped to purchase land for CBS. Over the last few years all attempts to utilize this property for the intended purpose has proven futile. We have decided to organize a local fund raising initiative by inviting all the congregations in and around Kpalime for a ground breaking ceremony. 

Five Baptized in Kpadape Campaign
Kpadape is about seven kilometers from Kpalime and the minister is David Wama. The Chariot spent the weekend of August 27-30. Preachers and students from the CBS and Kpalime area were present to assist members of the Kpadape congregation with the campaign. Activities included tract distribution, house to house Bible study, chariot booth display, open air preaching and film show. 

The Kpadafe campaign was climaxed with a worship service. I had the opportunity to preach on the topic “Use Your Talent or Loose It,” Matt. 25:14-30. I used the lesson to encourage our brethren and the new Christians to find out what their talents are (if they already don’t know), develop them and use them to the glory of God. We took a group picture after the worship service. At the close of the three day campaign, five people put on Christ in baptism. 

Three Souls Added to the Nyiveme Church of Christ
The Nyiveme Church of Christ in Kpalime continues to make progress. This is because members are involved in the work, they continue home Bible studies, distribution of tracts, radio program and inviting neighbors, friends and family members their worship services. Three ladies were baptized and added to the church. 

Assiki’s Wife Baptized
Joseph Assiki was one of the students who graduated on Sept. 5. His wife was recently buried with Christ. Joseph came to us from a denomination as a “Pastor,” but was converted while in school. We were able to get a picture of him standing with his wife just after the baptism. 

CBS is now BVBI
Since 2005 we have used the name Center for Biblical Studies. Recently the authorities of Bear Valley Bible Institute International in Colorado suggested that all schools under Bear Valley use the name Bear Valley Bible Institute. We thought it wise to use it to reflect the relationship between us. I would therefore like to inform all my cherished readers that henceforth we shall be using the name Bear Valley Bible Institute Togo.  

Literature Center Now Open
We recently opened a resource center in Zomayi, a suburb of Kpalime. Preacher Asuka is the one managing the center. The center is going to be used as a training ground for students. Each week two students will be assigned to work at the center for two hours each day. This practical training will help them learn how to share literature and share the gospel message with the public. 

WBS School (Facts and Figures) 100 Baptized in two months
The Gospel Chariot has continued the Central Region Evangelism Tour. The team which comprises two drivers and two WBS workers is committed to spreading the gospel from one town to the other, working with churches, and planting new ones. It is truly an exciting work to be associated with as a Chariot committee member. In spite of the challenges encountered by the team at times, they still enjoy doing it. The Chariot team spent a little over two months in the Assin area because of the extent of work there. 

God blessed the efforts of WBS and the Gospel Chariot with the following results. 

Assin Towns – 26 baptism
Oda - 74 baptisms
WBS enrollments - 3080 new students. 

Activities of the chariot included: Tract distribution, personal evangelism, film show, open air preaching, enrollment in high schools etc. The responsibility of the host congregation is to provide lodging and meals for the Chariot Team. All other expenses are taken care of by the Gospel Chariot Mission. 

Mars Hill Christian Academy is Three (3) Years Old
Another academic year began on September 8 with a population of eighty kids from nursery to primary 4. However, we are looking forward to more kids coming in. Our biggest challenge now has to do with space and classroom chairs or desks. As at the time of writing this report, the population at the school stands at 132 kids. Though the token fee of about $20.00 is what Mars Hill collects, some parents cannot afford. The government has compelled us to employ eight teachers, including the head teacher for efficient academic work. This situation is a major challenge because the tuition cannot pay the teachers and still have enough for development of facilities at the school. I am using this medium to appeal to you to come to the aid of Mars Hill Christian Academy. We need funds for two more classrooms and extra desks. Each desk will cost $20.00. You can support a child with $25 a term which is made up of three months. Let us know if you are interested in this sponsorship program. Remember that each child in the school is a potential Christian. 

H.Willie Gley

Posted on October 4, 2015 .