A Partnership With HHI To Prepare Preachers With Agricultural Sustainability...

West Africa’s extension schools received instruction recently in areas of agricultural sustainability. Healing Hands International works to help provide training in these areas and we are thankful to partner with them in this effort. Assisting men who are training to preach the gospel with an understanding of ways to sustain their families is adding a powerful level to the work at Bear Valley. Below is an excerpt from Ebenezer Udofia (training instructor for HHI in Africa) about the work in Ghana and Togo.

Day one of our workshop at the West Coast School of Preaching, Takoradi - Ghana was very successful. 55 Preachers and Church leaders are participating in the workshop . We are having a "super active" group this time. The group also want to learn some skills in animal production (poultry, fish, ruminant etc), so we had a deal that if we finish the current activities on time, we will be able to discuss some of the effective animal production system before we conclude tomorrow. Surprisingly, we completed composting and Raised planting bed construction today. So we will create some time to discuss some aspects of animal husbandry tomorrow.

The third workshop in the series of our training in West Africa began today at the Southern Institute of Biblical Studies, Dorobo, Accra - Ghana. The School is one of the Bear Valley Institutes in Ghana. 

It is one of the most interesting workshops we have had in our recent past with Agricultural Extension Officers from all the Stations around Accra and the Regional Coordinator of Agricultural Extension services also participating. We had about 85 people taking part in the workshop today. We had fun, shared knowledge and demonstrate the sustainable skills.


Several photo albums are attached here for you to look through and see all the work accomplished in these West African locations. Thank you Ebenezer, Healing Hands International, and all who helped make this a success. To God be the glory…

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

Extension Reports 

An Open Door Opens The Heart To A New Sister In Christ: The teaching of the gospel in Bonjongo Village, Cameroon opens the heart to a hospitable lady with four children.

Help Us God And Save Souls That Are Perishing In Mbanga, Cameroon: Students continue to press forward in the evangelistic efforts of the mission for BVBIC-Mbanga.

God Crowns Long Years Of Evangelism With Conversions: The efforts of staff and students in Ibadan, Nigeria are blessed by God as an entire Pentecostal church is converted.

Bicycles Make A Difference In Spreading The Gospel In Ghana: Students at Bear Valley Bible Institute Ghana-Tamale received bicycles to help take the gospel in Northern Ghana.

A Recent Visit To Gorlovka Strengthens The Church: Director of BVBIU, Dennis Sopelnik, travels to Gorlovka to encourage the brethren, and he shares news from the trip in this report.

Tension In Nepal Causes Rebellion Among Self-Interest Groups: With the Nepali government implementing changes in the constitution, self-interest groups make their voice heard.

A Recent Campaign And New Library Benefit The Lord’s Work In India: Students return from a campaign with news of God giving the increase and a new library aids the school in India.

Leadership Conference In Tanzania Hosts Participants From Around The World: From Cambodia to the US, participants traveled to Tanzania for the annual Leadership Conference.

Good Will Trip Encourages Current And Former ACSOP Students: Staff from ACSOP travel to see students and graduates to encourage these men to attend the Leadership Conference.

Final Thoughts 
​One final note of gratitude: we cannot thank you enough for the sacrifices made by each of you to see the work at Bear Valley grow. The advancement of the kingdom through the process of training men to preach the gospel continues to be an exciting adventure. The opportunity to partner with you makes the value of this work immeasurable. Thank you.

God bless

Posted on October 18, 2015 .