A Great Week And An Urgent Prayer Request...

After a week of campaigns around the country, students from the Denver campus enjoy a break week before returning to classes on October 19th. Initial reports indicate the campaigns were successful in reaching out to thousands of homes with many opportunities to share God’s word. We hope to provide more information in the weeks ahead after students return to Denver. We trust their efforts to encourage the church and plant the seed of God’s word will prove fruitful.

Next quarter is number two for incoming students in Denver. They did well in their first quarter and we are excited to see them continue this journey. Sadly, this will be the last quarter for two of our students as they reach the end of the journey. Gary Pollard and Jesse LeMay will complete their studies in December and begin a new focus in the study of missions. We look forward to seeing them build upon their foundation for ministry work in the extension program.

The extension schools continue to report about the progress students achieve as they study from God’s word and share the good news with others. The reports below also share news about students returning from campaigns and heading back to the classroom. The ACSOP in Tanzania completed their annual Leadership Conference with great success. Visiting speakers from the US, Cambodia, and other nations in Africa all came together to study this vitally needed subject.

Students in Haiti began their second year of studies. It is amazing how quickly the first year passed by, and students continue their preparations. Information about their recent outreach activities demonstrates God’s fruitful increase. Read more in the report below. Other reports provide news of God’s providential work through sharing the Gospel around the world.

URGENT PRAYER REQUEST: We learned over the weekend of a violent tragedy in Haiti. Sister Roberta Edwards was killed by several men who shot her in the vehicle she was driving and kidnapped a four year old boy who stayed at the orphanage sister Edwards managed. Please remember to pray for her family and the situation surrounding this young boy and the other children affected by this incident.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

Extension Reports

Gaining, Grounding, Growing, Glorifying: The 4Gs At Work in Cameroon: These four ideas are the foundational components of the program involved in the school at church.

Students Return For Their Studies In French-Cameroon: God’s goodness and greatness are seen in the work in French-speaking Cameroon as staff and students return for the third quarter.

After Campaigns Bear Fruit, Students Are Back In Class In Kenya: As students return to study at KSOP, they report about the increase given by God as the Gospel is preached.

The Church Is Encouraged As BVBIU Settles Into A New Place: As the Bible Institute in Ukraine moves to a new location, the local congregation is encouraged by working together.

Graduation Approaches For Students In Nepal: Students prepare for graduation later this month in Nepal and they will head into various locations to help the church grow.

Second Year Of Classes Begin At IST In Haiti: Students begin the second year of studies and reports from the work indicate the success of the program in Port Au Prince, Haiti.

The Annual Tanzania Leadership Conference Was A Success: Reports from the Andrew Connally School of Preaching indicate another successful year at the Leadership Conference.

Final Thoughts
A final word of gratitude to each of you. We are thankful to share in the work of training kingdom workers with each of you. Your involvement in this program is what makes it successful. Your prayers, time, talent, and financial resources continue to bless the Lord’s kingdom across the world. Thank you.

God bless

Posted on October 11, 2015 .