Eternity Matters, And Here Is Why...

Eternity Matters! When we understand the message of God’s word and the temporary nature of this life, we know the reason why we train preachers and teachers. Souls are at stake and the vapor of life is fleeting more quickly than we can express in words. Eternity Matters! We are preparing the hearts and minds of men around the world to share the one message that makes the difference in the lives of those who hear and respond to it.

Reading through the reports this week reveals exactly the power of what we are referring to above. Report after report reveals how the message proclaimed is leading souls to Christ. When we learn of those who obey God’s word, we share in the joy of heaven as these souls are prepared for an eternity that awaits us all. How wonderful it is to know, that while we may never meet this side of heaven, one day we will all rejoice together around the throne of God.

We are now into the first week of the new year and the news from around the world continues to be encouraging. Knowing the facts we are building on from 2014 is an inspiration for what we anticipate in the year ahead. We are eager to see what 2015 has in store, but we are even more eager when we consider the plans we plan to achieve in the months ahead.

Now on to more great news in this week’s reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Extension Reports 

Welcoming The Gamma Students At CBIW, Cameroon: All 22 students arrived at the campus of CBIW last week and they are ready to begin their two-year journey preparing to preach.

A Soul Added And The First Graduation Approaches In Paraguay: News is exciting as another soul obeys the gospel in Paraguay and the first class prepares to graduate at ABA.

Evangelistic Campaign Results In Souls Added To The Kingdom In Nigeria: We love sharing the news of souls who obey the gospel, and the report in Nigeria is encouraging.

A Year Of Testing, Difficulties, Turmoil, And Hope In Ukraine: Amidst the challenges of the last year in Ukraine, BVBIU continues to grow in its efforts to train workers in the kingdom.

Biblical Discipline Yields The Fruit Of Righteousness And God’s Blessing: The church at Kisongo, Tanzania practices discipline and the results produced what God promised.

The New Year Starts With Excitement And Joy In Tanzania: We think you will agree with the great news of more souls added to the kingdom near Arusha, Tanzania.

Final Thoughts 
As we concluded 2014, so we begin 2015, with a heart filled with gratitude for each of you and all you do to make it possible to train preachers in the U.S. and internationally. We are thankful to be fellow-laborers with you and the brethren in each country where we are privileged to share in this kingdom work.

God bless

Posted on January 4, 2015 .