Biblical Discipline Yields The Fruit Of Righteousness And God's Blessings...

Dear brethren,

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus. It is my hope that you know that God is doing marvelous works through your prayers and your support of Tanzania Missions. We are thankful for the spiritual blessings which are only found in Christ Jesus, faithful brethren like you, our amazing missionary team, the ACSOP faculty and staff, and the many preachers of the gospel throughout East Africa. 

November and December were very busy months. The Kisongo congregation had the sad and unfortunate obligation to discipline some members due to sustained unfaithfulness. With valuable souls in the balance and the purity of the bride of Christ to maintain we had no choice but to act. We thank God that after so doing word spread in our community and many of the unfaithful repented and came back seeking forgiveness. We have learned a great lesson: when you do what God has required, then His blessings will follow.

At the end of November the Kisongo Bible school, which is undertaken by the Kisongo congregation, graduated five people who are now equipped to help the church. Some of these students started the school straight off the street. Later on, because of what they learned in the Bible school, they became Christians. Kisongo Bible school has also helped a number of members to grow spiritually as well. Enrollment is currently underway for the next intake. 

We are glad to report that the Kisongo congregation sent four young men to this year’s Future Preachers Training Camp held at ACSOP. This camp has been a great blessing to the church in East Africa as the young men who attend are a great encouragement to the local congregations from whence they came. We were so pleased that one of the young men from Kisongo, fourteen-year-old Baraka, was chosen as the best speaker. Baraka was chosen by the faculty from among the 43 students in attendance. Baraka taught Bible class at the Kisongo congregation the Sunday following graduation and did a marvelous job.

We continue to solicit your prayers for the church and the ACSOP. Thank you for taking the time to read this short report and may God continue to bless you in 2015.

In His service,

Ahimidiwe Kimaro
Assistant Director, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute International extension school
Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on January 4, 2015 .