To God Be The Glory, Great Things He Has Done...

“To God Be The Glory, Great Things He Has Done,” is one of the lines from a familiar hymn. At the same time, it is the theme threaded throughout this week’s reports. The locations sending in reports this week emphasize the work being done is to the glory of our God. It is also exciting to read about the great things God is doing in each location.

The new students in Denver are settling into their routine of studies, and returning students are continuing their journey to serve in the Lord’s kingdom. Several of these families are eagerly anticipating their graduation in May when they will begin working with a number of congregations across the country. We are encouraged by the fact that most of the men who graduate in May have already secured a place to work. As they finish their last two quarters of study, they are preparing themselves to do a great work.

The reports from other locations in the extension program share news about God’s increase to the efforts of these students who are impacting the souls of many. We hope you are encouraged with the news of the souls saved through the preaching of the gospel. 

PRAYER REQUEST: We ask each of you to pray for Kim Kasarjian. Kim is the wife of Keith Kasarjian, who serves as the new school development director for the Bear Valley Bible Institute Extension Program. Kim was initially diagnosed last Friday with acute Leukemia. She is scheduled to have a bone marrow biopsy this Tuesday to determine the nature of the diagnosis. We ask you to pray for God’s healing hand to be with her, as well as peace and comfort for Keith and their family.

Now on to this week’s reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

The latest report from Tony Johnson about the work in Ghana can be read here.

Extension Reports 

Growth, Fellowship, Preparation, And A Soul Added To The Kingdom: Students are growing in their studies at CBIW and God gave the increase as a precious soul was baptized.

Souls Added To The Kingdom At A Recent Lectureship In Uganda: A study from the book of Romans in Uganda was fruitful as five were baptized into Christ.

Open-Air Bible Lectureship And Door-to-Door Evangelism In Nigeria: Staff and students alike participated in a recent open-air lectureship and evangelistic efforts in Ibadan, Nigeria.

32 Students Prepare For Kingdom Work In Arusha, Tanzania: Sean Hochdorf’s report speaks of the students at ACSOP, but also addresses Sean’s medical need and return to the States.

The End Of A Marvelous Year At ACSOP In Tanzania: 2014 ended with many wonderful events occurring, including two camps producing fruit with souls obeying the gospel.

A Faithfully Trained Evangelist Shares Good News And Challenges: Souls are added to the kingdom in Tanzania, but there is a need for more men to help nurture these new Christians.

Final Thoughts 
We thank you for your prayers on behalf of the Kasarjian family and we thank you for all you do to help this program grow and thrive. Your involvement in this work is making a difference eternally. We appreciate your love for the Lord and the work in His kingdom. We pray God’s richest blessings upon you.

God bless

Posted on January 25, 2015 .