Successful Future Preacher's Training Camp In Arusha, Tanzania...

We held a successful Future Preacher’s Training Camp (FPTC) from December 14th-19th, in which 43 young men attended. It was a busy week for the young men as they prepared sermons and presented them at the end of the camp. Maurice Gasper taught them the general principles of exegetical preaching. I taught on how to study the meaning of words in a passage, plus the six parts of a sermon (title, text, introduction, etc.). Every morning we had guest preachers deliver a lesson. The classes and lessons had the desired effect as we heard Ramadhan Enzi, one of the campers, emphatically say, “I need to study more to become a good preacher.” 

At the end of camp, two young men were baptized. We are deeply grateful to Roger Shepherd, the originator of FPTC. Truly, great people think about others and act upon their idea.

From January 5th-10th, we held a very successful Tanzania Christian Camp (TCC). This camp involved more than 90 youth and was one of the best TCC’s to date. We rejoice and give glory to the Father that 14 campers put on Christ in baptism.

The Andrew Connally School of Preaching starts classes on February 7th. Please pray for the students as they return and start classes.

May the Lord bless you for your concern, prayers and generosity. We thank you for your participation in spreading the Gospel in East Africa.  You are changing lives and giving hope to people who did not have any.  We love you and appreciate your sacrifices and are eternally indebted to you.

Your servant in Him,

Losotwa Michael
Dean of Academics,
Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute International extension school
Arusha, TZ

Posted on January 18, 2015 .