Every Nation And Tribe And Peoples and Tongues...

“Every nation and tribes and peoples and tongues…” This phrase introduces the scene in Revelation 7 of those gathered before the throne of God and the Lamb. While reading this phrase, especially in light of the Lord’s work around the world, it is hard to imagine how glorious it will be to share in this gathering. Thinking about the multitudes of souls who obeyed the gospel in the past and already share in the promised reward, and those we read about each week who put on Christ in baptism, along with those yet to come, is an exciting thought.

For many of you who read this report, you may never have an opportunity to travel to one of the destinations mentioned in the reports from week to week. However, it is wonderful to know that, while we may not meet this side of heaven, one day we will all gather before the throne and worship as one body of people from “every nation and tribes and peoples and tongues.” We will sing praises to our God. Just the thought is incredible to consider and it makes the work of training preachers that much more exciting.

Students in Denver completed their first week of studies on Friday. The enthusiasm of beginning the first day settles into the reality of determining how to get all the work done in an eight week period. For some students, they are returning to a study environment they have not seen in many years. For others, it is just a matter of getting acquainted with expectations. All in all, they do well.  We are thankful for the mentoring students in upper classes bring to guide and encourage new students in staying focused to get the work completed. We are confident they will.

Reports from the extension schools this week are encouraging. Staff members share news about their recent trips and the work accomplished in the places where they serve. The report from Kenya shares the results of 40 souls added to the kingdom. We give thanks to our God. Similar news was reported from Nigeria, Tanzania, Togo, and Cameroon. The impact of the gospel preached is changing lives.

Now on to more great news in this week’s reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

The latest report from Jerry Bates about the work in India can be found here.

The latest report from Steven Ashcraft about the work in West Africa can be found here.

The latest report from Gary Fallis can be found here.

Extension Reports 

Gamma Class Begins Their Two Year Journey In Cameroon: Twenty-two students are now adjusting to the demands of training at the Cameroon Bible Institute of Wotutu.

40 Precious Souls Added To The Kingdom In Kenya: The news is exciting as staff and students in Kenya report of a church plant and 40 souls that obeyed the gospel.

Evangelism Results In A new Congregation With Ten Converts: The Southwest School of Evangelism in Nigeria shares news of a new congregation with 10 souls added last week.

Successful Future Preacher’s Training Camp In Arusha, Tanzania: FPTC, along with the Tanzania Christian Camp, sees growth in God’s word and souls added to the kingdom.

Final Thoughts 
With this final note, we want to thank each of you for your support of this work. The love you express for this work keeps us encouraged. We want you to know how much we love and appreciate all you do for the program. We need you and you are a blessing to the program. Our prayer is that God richly bless you. Until next time…

God bless

Posted on January 18, 2015 .