Twenty-One New Souls In Arusha, Tanzania...

Dear Brethren,

I would like to take this opportunity to again thank all of you who are making things possible through your Christian love. The Kisongo congregation’s follow up to the East Africa gospel meeting is going extremely well. Last report shows that 90 souls have been taught the gospel. We praise our great God as 21 souls have put on Christ in baptism! We were blessed to have Lance Leavens and Cary Oglesby, two of our brethren from America, visiting to help us a great deal with our follow up. 

“From everyone who has been given much, much will be required” (Luke 12:48). The Kisongo church has a great responsibility to feed these 21 souls. This is not easy task because Satan is not happy that we are busy doing the Lord’s work. For instance, this week big opposition from a group of Lutherans rose up against the church, accusing the church that they had taken their followers. This happened during a local funeral service. The brethren here need your prayers as they resist our adversaries and their efforts to destroy the good seed that has been planted.

Recently, several first year students from ACSOP and I were able to visit two congregations in Babati. Aside from the many preachers that have been trained at ACSOP, the school has been a great blessing from God in encouraging the brotherhood in this area. Babati is almost 120 miles from Arusha. I left one group of students at Babati town and I moved with another group to the congregation at Nakwa. We were privileged to meet with several brethren including ACSOP graduates Salvatore Mwakimbwala, Godwin Elisha, and Naaman Oto Sheizer. I found the Babati town congregation doing well and growing even better than during my last visit. Their biggest obstacle is a place to meet. They are growing at a fast rate, but are still meeting in a rental house. With the town growing rapidly, a building provides a sense of legitimacy to their effort. Unfortunately, congregations aren’t considered “legitimate” unless they are in their own building.

I encourage you to join us in this work that we, together, can accomplish what our Lord has required us to do.

In His Work

Ahimidiwe Kimaro
Assistant Director, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school
Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on September 28, 2014 .