After 22 Years, A Blind Lady In Togo Finds The Church...

She kept listening to the radio program each Sunday night, but felt she had met some missionaries in Lome about 22 years ago who kept mentioning Eglise du Christ (Church of Christ). She remembered some of the teachings about the church. She was then an official at the Lome Airport, but later became blind and had to return to Kpalime. Recently, she took the telephone number of the presenter and the direction and decided she was going to worship with the church one Sunday. Her search that Sunday morning took her and the motor bike taxi to several churches in the area, but each time they arrived at a church she asked several questions that the leaders of the denominations couldn’t answer. She never gave up, but continued her search that Sunday morning until she came to the entrance of the church of Christ and asked for the presenter Essotena (Cephas). Though she was blind, she found the Lord’s church. Any diligent seeker of the truth will surely find it. Though the service was almost over when she got there, she was given the opportunity to tell her story. Her presence at the church was a source of encouragement to the brethren after they heard her story of a long search.

Golokuati Church of Christ
During my recent visit home, I had the opportunity to preach to my people. A lady responded to the gospel invitation and was baptized. I grew up and started my primary education in this village.

Mars Hill Christian Academy
Mars Hill Christian Academy reopened on the 16th of September to start another academic year. Our mission still remains as an institution that exists to give these little ones the best preschool education in the Afadjato district of the Volta Region. However, as low as the fee is, most parents cannot afford to send their kids to school. There are several villages in the area that have little kids of school going age who are still at home. With $25.00 a month for each kid, Mars Hill can assist them to be in school. This amount can take care of tuition, provide one meal a day, provide free transport to convey kids to and from school, provide uniform and school materials and support infrastructural development. Should you be interested in giving a kid a future, contact me. We shall not only be supporting a child to go to school, but also developing a potential Christian - a member of the Lord’s church.

We have almost completed a wooden three classroom block, a toilet facility and have constructed few desks for the classrooms. We need help.

Activities of the Gospel Chariot in Ghana
The Zone 7 churches in the greater Accra region organized a one month six days campaign to strengthen their congregations and win souls for Christ. The Zone is made up 16 congregations of the Lord’s Church. The campaign started on the 4th of August and ended on the 11th of September. By the close of the campaign seven souls were added to the Church while 485 names were enrolled for WBS. Several hundreds of tracts provided by Mission Printing were also distributed. Below are some of the activities during the campaign.

Activities during the campaigns include: Open air preaching each night, visit to schools, tract distribution and enrollment exercise. Sometimes the chariot team members are given the opportunity to preach or teach a Bible class on Sundays. The host congregation has the responsibility to feed and lodge the chariot team and the team is enjoyed a meal together.

The Gospel Chariot is a great blessing to the church in Ghana. It has rekindled the evangelism spirit in Ghana. Brethren are now cooperating to organize outreach programs that benefit their congregations. We thank all who in divers ways have made all these possible.

Facts and Figures:

    Names enrolled- 4,180 

    Congregations visited - 16 

    Boxes of tracts distributed – 10 

    Baptisms conducted - 7 

H. Willie Gley
P.O. Box AN 19611
Accra North, Ghana
My new email address is

Posted on September 28, 2014 .