Orientation, Changing Lives, And A Bright Future...

Orientation for the new students in Denver begins this coming Friday morning. The two-year journey ahead of them will change their lives forever and, Lord willing, the lives of all they influence throughout their lives. The time they share in classroom experience, studying together, and relational activities will build bonds into the eternal realms. Please pray for these men, both the ones who are single and those with families as they enter their studies.

In other related news around the world, the reports this week are extremely encouraging as the influence of the gospel is impacting each location. Please take a few moments to read each report, as the work in Togo is changing the lives of both student and congregations where they were involved in serving before becoming Christians. The radio program is also making major changes for those who are listening.

The direction for the future looks incredible as plans for the new school in Haiti comes to fruition in just a few weeks. We are also looking at several new locations for potential partners in extension training with Bear Valley for 2015. The planning stages are moving forward through the processes required to establish the relationship expectations and responsibilities. As always, we appreciate your prayers for us in the development of these areas.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

Extension Reports 

God’s Blessing On The Cameroon Campaign: The most recent campaign in Cameroon continues to show the hand of God giving the increase to the efforts of these students.

The Gospel Is Changing Lives In Togo: The incredible work at the Center for Biblical Studies is bringing persecution, but also God’s blessings in changing the lives of many.

Twelve Restorations, Four Conversions, And A Plea For Help: The preaching practice for the students in Ibadan, Nigeria is generating fruitful results.

Learning To Sing In Swahili: Daniel Gaines shares some of the joys of working in Tanzania and he provides a little Swahili for a song we are familiar with in English.

Final Thoughts
Thank you for considering the work at Bear Valley trustworthy of your involvement and support. Plans for the future will bring exciting changes as we look forward to sharing in the weeks ahead. We appreciate your willingness to be involved in one of the greatest works in the world. Until next week…

God bless

Posted on July 27, 2014 .