To The Glory Of God...

God has blessed us with another day on this earth and in service of His kingdom. The beauty of the extension program is that the glory of God’s work is exemplified in every corner of the earth and His kingdom is growing. The news reported this week is encouraging as we can see how God is blessing those who serve in each location. Please pray for those who are laboring so diligently all around the world.

We are nearing the beginning of another quarter of classes in Denver, and it will be the first quarter for a new group of students arriving in Denver over the next two weeks. Twenty-six students have been accepted and they are striving to get their support in place to begin classes the first of August. Pray for these men and their families as they desire to prepare themselves for greater service in the kingdom.

We are a few more stops away from heading back to Denver to teach classes in the new quarter. We visited with the wonderful folks at Greenbrier this Sunday. This has always been “home” for Sheryl and me. They are such an encouragement to us and they have been since we entered as students at Bear Valley in 1990. They stood by us then and have continued to do so for the past 24 years. We owe them an incredible debt of gratitude and we were sure excited to share the news about the work.

More news about the growth of the program is forthcoming. In just a few weeks we will be announcing exciting news about the future of the program and ask you to pray for us as we move forward in this great work and the responsibility God has given us. We pray that all we do will honor and glorify Him.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

The latest report from Howell Ferguson can be read here.

The most recent report from Jerry Bates can be read here.

Extension Reports 

Mission Tract Printing Continues To Impact Cameroon: News about a shipment of tracts from Mission Printing is spreading in Cameroon and the distribution is making a difference.

Preventing The Church From Entering Apostasy: A recent seminar in Ghana was instrumental in helping preachers from the north prevent drifting into a state of apostasy.

Students Embark On A One Month Teaching Practice: As part of the training at the Southwest School of Preaching, students are entering a month where they will practice their teaching.

What Is The Church’s Supreme Aim And Task? The answer to this question is a small part of the great news from graduates of ACSOP in Tanzania.

Final Thoughts 

Many thanks to each of you for all you do in the work of extension training. The program is growing and the future is incredibly exciting. God continues to bless everything we are privileged to share in around the world. We hope you are encouraged and excited as well with all that is being done. Thank you for making it possible.

God bless

Posted on July 13, 2014 .