Sharing The News About Extension Training...

As each week goes by, we are encouraged by the brethren we meet with to share the news about the extension program. Today, we met with brethren in Conway and Enola, Arkansas to present the work and the encouragement we received from our brothers and sisters is what makes the work even more exciting. The summer is full with more appointments in the weeks ahead, but we look forward to seeing everyone.

News from the schools reporting this week is even more exciting. Each report contains information that explains why we are so privileged to work with the dedicated men who are preparing themselves to serve the church in greater ways. Before they graduate, their involvement in sharing the gospel with others where they live continues to demonstrate the power of God who gives the increase.

The exciting nature of this work is also seen in the increased interest of men who desire to be involved in the next enrollment class. Nearly every school we have visited with reports more students for the next intake of students. Word is getting out and more students only means that more people will learn about Jesus where they live. 

Each of you are part of this growth. Our prayer is that as you read through each report you will be encouraged and grow with excitement at what God is doing in and through the extension training program.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Extension Reports 

Another Successful Campaign In Cameroon: Students are returning to CBIW after a great week of campaign work where numerous souls were brought to the Lord.

Marks Of True Discipleship: Jerry Bates recently visited the Southwest School of Evangelism and taught a class designed to address the marks of a true disciple.

48 Reasons To Read This Report: As the Safari for Souls campaign draws to a close, the report this week speaks about the 48 souls who are now part of the Lord’s kingdom.

Taking The Messiah To The Masai: The news from Arusha, Tanzania, shared by Daniel Gaines, talks about the message of Jesus going to a special group of people.

Final Thoughts 
What a great week! What an awesome God we serve! We are so thankful to Him for the blessing you are to this work. Your willingness to be a tool in the hands of the Almighty God continues to be a critical reason for the growth and development of this program. Thank you for all you do through the sacrifices you make for the Lord’s work.

God bless

Posted on June 30, 2014 .