Future Preachers' Training Camp...

The week beings with wonderful news from several locations. Sunday completed a week in the Future Preacher’s Training Camp of Denver. Thirty-six young men from around the country came to Bear Valley to learn about the art and science of preaching. Based on the reports provided by various staff members of the camp, the future of the church is good hands as the heart and ability of these young men was demonstrated in their preaching.

One of the reports this week from India also indicates similar experiences, as John Dean relates the success of the Future Preacher’s Training Camp in Visakhapatnam. The interest of young men from both sides of the globe is exciting because their present and future activity in the church will make an eternal difference in the lives of those they teach. Let us pray for these young men that God will help bring more who will prepare for the future of preaching.

The design of both programs is to strengthen the interest of young men in the Word of God and encourage them to consider attending the Bible Institute in the future. We encourage you to think about those you know in the congregations where you worship who might be interested in attending FPTC and preparing to preach in the future.

The news we receive each week is always encouraging. The growth of the kingdom is seen in every report. Please read through each report and pray for the work God is blessing in preacher training.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

Extension Reports 

FPTC In India: The Future Preacher’s Training Camp in India is modeled after the camp in Denver. John Dean shares news about the most recent camp in Visakhapatnam. 

Visiting Teachers Help KSOP Near Graduation: The school in Kenya is one quarter away from their first graduating class. The excitement is high and student prospects are encouraging.

Staff And Students Continue Preaching The Word: The activity at the Southwest School of Evangelism is continually promoting lectureship activity and preaching the gospel.

Furlough Reporting And Fundraising In The USA: News from the work in Paraguay about the church and school is exciting. The Spradlins' report from their furlough on the road.

Campaign Season Is In Full Swing…And More: Although Daniel Gaines’ report is lengthy, this is one worth the time to read. The work is experiencing wonderful growth.

Final Thoughts 
We are always mindful and appreciative of every person who is involved in this work. This includes the supporters, prayer warriors, encouragers, teachers, and servants who are continually working behind the scenes to do so much in each location where Bear Valley is privileged to partner in training leaders in the Lord’s kingdom. Thank you all.

God bless

Posted on June 15, 2014 .