First Annual Scholarship Lectureship In Kumbo...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings and peace from your brothers and sisters in Christ here in Cameroon. We do hope you are doing great. We are doing much better by His grace. Many are still sick, but God is in control to help as they take drugs and herbs.

Last week was suppose to be a week of exams in CBIW after the end of the long courses, but we were invited by a sister school of preaching which is the Kumbo Christian Bible College, about 400 miles from Wotutu. This is their very first scholarship lectureship that they organized, so we were invited to be part of it and we made the trip.

As I write this email, we are all back on campus, even students who had a transit to weekend evangelism are all here safe and sound. We praise God.

Our students got up early in the morning on a hired van to take off from Wotutu to Kumbo in the northwest region of Cameroon.The Lord took us there and we spent 4 precious days getting lessons from the word. It was good that we made it. Thanks for your prayers and support.

It was not only time to study His word, it was also time to do some song practice. Some of our students and others, even some visitors who are part of the Kumbo Bible school who came from USA, were also part of the whole issue.

My wife and I were there. It was great to see and study with others and brain storm on many biblical subjects. We went so that our students and I could be watchful and make sure they don’t absorb wrong teachings, but throughout our stay at the lectureship, no error was identified. Praise God.

On our way back to Wotutu the journey was characterized with fun, as we stopped over in different villages along the road to buy road side food for the students. My wife and I were having fun with our students as we ate together. What a big family we have in CBIW.

We arrived in Wotutu and our journey was safe. We raised our hands up to say “thank you, Father for who you are.” Many of our members in the Wotutu congregation, who were not part of the trip, came and waited for us at the church hall. What a great fellowship we have in Christ.

Brother Muofo Bernard is one of our students in CBIW. The month of May marks the beginning of our students presenting their senior sermon in Wotutu congregation. While I grade them as the preacher of Wotutu, the members of the Wotutu congregation are also evaluating them as they prepare for their graduation December 11, 2014. Keep this date in your dairy and in your prayers.

With all the tiredness, some students transit to different villages as usual for our normal weekend evangelism. The Lord added 3 souls to His church. Brother Premus Mendi obeyed the gospel in Wotutu after listening to our “Back to the Bible” early morning radio program. He came to our compound where the construction work was going on to do manual labor. He came in contact with us and started asking lots of question from the scriptures about what we are preaching very early in the morning. He obeyed the gospel with smile. Keep him in your prayers, that he might keep growing so that many in His family will come to know the truth through him.

Today was a great day in the life of the church of Christ Wotutu because we were able to see brother Vincent, a brother and a Bible student in this current batch who was arrested in a village on transit to another village for field work. There was an uproar in that village where the youths attacked some people, burnt their properties because they are practicing fetish things in the village. The government intervened, they never listened to them, that is why the government sent for an arrest, to arrest any young man they see in the village. That was the same day brother Vincent was arrested and he is not even a resident in that village. He stayed under custody until the 21st of May. Today, the entire church celebrated his discharge from prison. While in prison he continued to preach and converted 18 souls, and he was able to meet with some members of the church there in prison. He told our congregation this morning that the church in prison has a membership of 28. Please, please keep this work in your prayers as we already sent an application for authorization from the government to give us permission to send students from the school to go and handle worship with that prison congregation. Come join us to move to another level with our calling: “I was in prison and you visited me.”

1) As the days are passing by, we continue to receive requests from other brethren who would love us to visit their villages and help in ways of evangelism and nurturing. We plan to go to Lebialem to do evangelism in the months ahead and see the means to plant a new congregation. The plan to establish a new congregation in Isokolo is still in progress. Keep our plans in God’s hands through prayer.

2)  Students in CBIW start their exams tomorrow. Keep them in prayer as this is their second quarter exams leaving only two more for them to be ripe for graduation in December by His grace.

Words can only express our appreciations to God and to you to a lesser extent. We search what we can use to show our appreciation to you and the way God is using you in His work. We don’t have the words. We thank you very much for your love and care over us and the work entrusted in our hands to do. The glory goes back to Him for He is the architect of all that is happening. Share this work with others. God bless you for all that you are doing for the work here. Share this report with others .We love you and we keep you in our prayers.

Elangwe and family

By His grace Director CBIW

Posted on May 25, 2014 .