Two More Souls Added To The Kingdom In Tanzania...

For the last several days, we have greatly enjoyed having John Strong and the Adam Evans family visiting with us. They are missionaries working in Iringa, Tanzania.  Iringa is about a 14 hour drive from us, which takes 2 days in Africa because you don't want to travel after dark. 

Adam taught a short-course on Christian Ethics at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching, while John helped out with some personal Bible studies. This was a great opportunity to share resources and strategies with each other for better reaching the people of Tanzania with the gospel of Christ. They are great people and our families became fast friends. Hopefully, we will get the opportunity to visit together again.

You can read about the Evans family and their work here.  

Two Baptisms Today
Following services in Njiro Chini, a sweet, crippled lady named Matilda put on her Lord in baptism. Meanwhile at the Arusha congregation, a young man named Kevin was also baptized. John and I along with Godfrey (the preacher at Arusha) studied with Kevin and his family a few days ago. He is bright and full of eager questions. We studied together until the sun went down and it was too dark to see. I am thrilled for these two children of God!

Daniel Gaines

To read Daniel’s report and see the pictures, please click here.

Posted on May 18, 2014 .