The Excitement Keeps Coming In Extension Training...

Wow! This has been another full week in the extension program. The reports from coordinators and schools indicate how God is blessing the work. An excitement fills the air to read about souls coming to Christ, Christians being edified, and the prodigals returning home. We believe you will agree when you read through the reports.

This week’s report also shares news from the new school in Nsawam / Doboro, Ghana. Brother Seth Larbi sent a report this week about the opening of the new school. Tony Johnson, coordinator with the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies (TIBS) in Northern Ghana also reports about the great news of the work extending further to the north into the country of Burkina Faso, but the news from the activity of students and graduates of TIBS is far more exciting. You will want to read Tony’s report.

The week ahead focuses on the annual ITL Lectureship in Guatemala. This lectureship is a highlight every year for several reasons, the primary reason being the pinning of students who have completed their first year of studies. They are pinned with the ITL fishhook, indicating what they have accomplished and what they are preparing to do when they graduate. The annual ITL presidential banquet is an event students look forward to as they prepare for their second year of study and with a focus of being fisher’s of men.

This is only the beginning of what you will find in reading through the reports this week along with an anticipation of what is coming in the week ahead. We are privileged to have you involved in this work and pray you will be encouraged by the news about God’s kingdom work.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Steven Ashcraft’s report about the work in West Africa can be read here.

An update from Howell Ferguson on the situation in Ukraine is can be read here.

Extension Reports 

Students Prepare To See 26 Villages In Cameroon: After completing two weeks of intensive short-courses, students of CBIW are headed out for campaigns.

Working In The Upper East Region And Burkina Faso: The report from Tony Johnson is exciting, as the work is moving into new areas.

Joy In The Midst Of Political Turmoil In Ukraine: While there is unrest in the government of Ukraine, there is joy in the birth of a baby girl.

More Souls Added To The Kingdom In Nigeria: Doug Wheeler continues to work with the SWSE in Nigeria and souls are being added to the kingdom.

Classes Begin At SIBS Doboro, Ghana: The doors are open and students are involved in studying as they begin their two year journey at SIBS.

Two Weddings And Three Baptisms Between Two Continents: The work in Paraguay influences lives physically (weddings) and spiritually (baptisms).

Eager Students In Arusha, Tanzania: The news from Daniel Gaines share the excitement and enthusiasm of working with others who thirst for more Bible knowledge.

Final Thoughts
As we close another week in the extension program, we thank you for all you do for this work. Reading through the reports raises the level of excitement to what God is doing through so many wonderful people. We are blessed and privileged to work with you in the greatest work on earth. More is coming in the weeks ahead.

God bless

Posted on March 9, 2014 .