International School of Theology In Haiti Begins In August...

Few announcements are more exciting than the beginning of a new school. We are thrilled to share with you the establishment of the International School of Theology in Haiti. There is a special and unique quality that exists with the beginning of this new school; we are partnering with Freed-Hardeman University in the establishment and operations of IST in Haiti.

Larry Waymire will serve as the coordinator for this new work and classes are set to begin in August. The first class is planning to have 24 students who will begin full-time preparations for preaching the gospel of Jesus. The Broad Street Church of Christ in Lexington, TN will serve as the overseeing congregation for the work.

We are excited about the new school and the partnership with one of our brotherhood universities. We know this will show a powerful sign of unity to the brethren in Haiti and in the U.S. of our working together in the strengthening of the church in Haiti. We ask you to be praying about this opportunity and the development of the work.

Other news from the extension schools is also exciting as God works through each school in spreading the news of Jesus. The news of God giving the increase is always encouraging and keeps us focused on the purpose for the work we are involved with in each location.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Extension Reports 

Campaigns See 31 Obey The Gospel In Cameroon: The power of the gospel is fruitful as students return from their campaigns and report of God’s blessing the work.

Worship Of The New Testament Church: This is the theme of a lectureship in Ibadan, Nigeria and the staff and students continue to proclaim God’s word.

God Has Been Good In Uganda: An accident, the blessing of fish, pigs weaning, and reaching out with the gospel, God’s goodness is seen in Uganda.

The Gospel Is Going Forth In India: Students at the Visakha Valley Bible College are sharing the gospel throughout the Andhra Pradesh State in India.

Mosquito River Bible School In Arusha Graduates Students: As a part of the TZ2000 work, the church at Mosquito River completes the courses offered to students in the community.

Final Thoughts
As we end this month and prepare for the month ahead, we constantly give thanks for all you do in the support and development of extension training. The program continues to grow and we look forward to the development of future locations where faithful men will be trained to go and preach the gospel to the lost where they live.

God bless

Posted on March 30, 2014 .