Nothing Short Of The Greatness Of Our God...

Greetings Fellow Servants;

We thank you and we thank our God for you, your prayers, support, and partnership in the gospel. God’s universal family is visible in the lives and good deeds done in His name and for His glory. The result of such generosity is nothing less than saved souls. 

Great News: You did it! God did it through you! Each year we ask of you to show your love and care for the lost of East Africa via the “Thanksgiving Challenge.” The idea is that we as God’s children have more to be thankful for than any in this world. We asked you to join us in expressing this blessing and gratitude by supporting Tanzania Missions. 

This year was very special by the blessing of our good brother and sister in Christ who “challenged” each of us with a donation/matching funds in the amount of $57,500. Well, the Good News is, you did it in a most powerful way. As of this report, you have donated or committed, $65,165. The good that will be done, the souls that will know of God’s love, the souls that will be saved, God alone knows, but, we praise Him and we Thank You, for stepping up and making this a reality. A very special Thank You to our good brother and sister for their love for lost souls and for their amazing example in Christian generosity. A very Special Thank You to each and everyone who came through in a most powerful way. 

Having now lived in Tanzania for the better part of twenty years, we are beginning to see multi-generational growth, spiritually and numerically. These brief report illustrates this point:

Fariji Paul (Usa River congregation) “In November we studied with 14 people, one of them was baptized into the Kingdom of Christ, Nelson Sango. He said, he desires to serve God in His kingdom. He has just completed the Bible correspondence course and asks us to pray for him. The church is planning to set up a congregation at Tengeru, please pray for that.” 

Yusuph Mdaki: “Six souls were added to the Kingdom last Sunday, part of a new church plant.” 

Matthew Laizer: “Praise the Lord Jesus Christ, today is the end of our efforts and one soul has obeyed the gospel. The Lord is indeed good.”

Gaudence Kilewo: When I asked Gaudence what the greatest challenge the Ngordoto congregation was facing he said; “First, we do not have enough places to sit. Second, we need workers, we have more bible classes than we can get to.” This new church plant now has 70-80 souls worshiping each Sunday and had five souls to obey the gospel last month. 

Prayer Request: After several weeks of efforts, prayers and discussion, we have decided that Stephanie and Granny will be heading to the States the first week in January. I will follow a month later. Stephanie has already booked several doctors’ appointments for Granny. We (Stephanie and I) do not believe Granny will be returning to Tanzania. This will be a difficult time for the family as we face some really tough decisions in the coming weeks. Please pray for Granny and her health and for Stephanie and I as we are challenged with some difficult decisions. We know and believe God is able and are fully trusting in Him. 

Till all have heard...
In Him, Cy, Stephanie and Granny

Posted on December 7, 2014 .