2014 Best Year In Training Preachers... 2015 An Exciting Year Ahead...

The new year of training preachers internationally is set to begin and a preliminary look at the future is exciting. As we enter into the new year, we are moving forward with a new look and a new name. We are now known as the Bear Valley Bible Institute International. While this is only a slight change, it is one we believe speaks to the global nature of the work we are involved with in training preachers, both in Denver and around the world. Please visit our website at wetrainpreachers.com to see the new look. We are a global work for a global mission.

A few of the exciting plans for the new year include: 1) a new class of students preparing for their two journey at the Denver campus of the Bear Valley Bible Institute, beginning with orientation January 9th, 2) we launch the largest expansion plan in Bear Valley’s history, 3) a new school is set to open in French-speaking Cameroon the first week of April, and 4) an additional five areas are potential locations for new schools in 2015.

These are only a few of the exciting areas planned for the new year. We eagerly anticipate the ways God will bless our efforts, as He has abundantly done so in the past. We also look forward to working together with you and the greatest people on earth who love the truth of God’s word, His church, and the lost of the world. The passion for fulfilling God’s mission is the driving force behind all that we do together.

Now on to more great news in this week’s reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

Extension Reports 

CBIW Prepares For The Gamma Batch Set To Begin In 2015: Leadership in Cameroon prepares for the next class of students to arrive and begin their two-year journey.

A Year-End Report Of Souls Saved In Nigeria: Several reports from staff and students of the Southwest School of Evangelism indicate souls added and restored to the kingdom.

Chimala Celebrates Graduation And Prepares For The Next Class: After and exciting graduation ceremony, the work in Chimala focuses on 15 new students for the next class.

Results From Reporting Graduates In Arusha, Tanzania Is Powerful: With only 30 of the 140 graduates reporting, the growth God provided over the last year is exciting and encouraging.

Final Thoughts 
Since Wednesday is the last day of the year, we want to take a moment to wish you all the very best of the New Year. The lives influenced eternally in 2014 are directly related to each one of you and all you bring to the work of training preachers. Thank you for making 2014 the best year thus far in Extension Training. We know that with God working through each of us, together we will leave an eternal footprint on 2015. Thank you.

God bless

Posted on December 28, 2014 .