Finals, Stress, Graduation, Matriculation, Souls Saved, And A Break...

Finals week is always a stress-filled time for students in Denver, as we are sure it is for all other schools where we are privileged to share in the work of training preachers. We are encouraged by the men who are graduating and entering the ministry. Their effort throughout the last two years provides an example worth emulating for all other students. We pray for them and ask you to pray with us for their further growth and development as servants of the Great I Am.

Graduation for students at the Cameroon Bible Institute of Wotutu (CBIW) was held this last week. This day also served for the matriculation of a new class of students that begins their journey in January. We continue to be encouraged by the work each class does during their training at CBIW. They are all involved in personal evangelism on a weekly basis and campaigns each quarter, all to reach the lost, strengthen the church, and plant new congregations of the Lord’s people.

Other schools reporting this week share news of God’s power at work in reaching out with the gospel. Souls are brought to the Lord and the church is growing in each location. Please remember to pray for each of these works. God continues to open numerous doors and the students are diligently working to prepare themselves for greater service, all the while putting those skills into practice.

There will be a short break in Denver before the next quarter begins in January. A new class of students will also begin their journey to prepare for the work in God’s kingdom. As you read through the reports this week, we pray you are encouraged and ask you to think about how you can have a more active role in this effort in 2015. If you need more information, please send me an e-mail at

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

The latest report from Donnie Bates can be read here.

The latest report from Luis Comacho about the work in Paraguay can be read here.

Extension Reports 

Graduation And A Reflection On The Past Two Years In Cameroon: After the Beta graduating class, CBIW director, Elangwe Gregory, shares results of their work for the last two years.

Five Souls Added To The Kingdom In Takoradi, Ghana: A recent evangelistic outreach in Ghana by West Coast School of Preaching students brings five souls to Christ.

Marriage And The Home - How To Get To Heaven: These lessons were taught in Nigeria and the combination reveals the need of the family in the direction of heaven.

Requesting Prayers For The Masai: The power of a flyer points people to the one true church of the Bible brought two Masai men to learn more about what the Bible teaches.

Studies Yield Fruit In Tanzania: Three reports from graduates involved in sharing the gospel show the increase given by God as souls are added to the kingdom.

Final Thoughts 
With only two weeks left in 2014, we are thankful when reflecting on the past 12 months. We can see how God has blessed His work. We will soon have a collective report to share with you about the progress in each location and the influence training preachers has around the world. Thank you for making this possible. We need you and we give thanks for you each day.

God bless

Posted on December 14, 2014 .