Finishing Strong...

December brings us into the last month of the year. Amidst all the ideas of how quickly the year went by, we need to remember the importance of finishing strong or finishing well. Athletes in every field understand the necessity of this thought. Leaders at every level know the value of starting well, but more importantly, finishing well. As we finish out the year over the next few weeks, let us keep in mind the importance of making the end of the year better than the beginning.

After a short break for the Thanksgiving holiday, students return to their classes this week in Denver. There are three weeks left in this quarter and the need for them to finish strong is emphasized. They are doing well in their classes and ready to complete their studies. We ask you to pray for these men as they finish out the quarter.

These last few weeks will complete the two-year program for five men who will enter the ministry in the new year. Corey Sawyers, Diondre Hensley, Andrew Warnes, Jonathan Picon, and Remington Afre are five examples of a strong and dedicated group of men who worked to help one another and help others through school. We look forward to sharing news of their success in the Lord’s service in the years ahead and ask you to pray for them as they enter the work.

Within the Extension schools, others are preparing to complete their two-year program of study. Students in Cameroon will graduate in a few weeks after they complete their final short-course study of the Pastoral Letters. Randy Martin, an elder with the overseeing congregation in Minnesota, and his wife, Robin, are there to see the work and participate in the graduation activities. Randy is also teaching the course for these men who will soon enter the ministry. More reports on their work is coming in the weeks ahead.

The Andrew Connally School of Preaching in Arusha, Tanzania celebrated a wonderful graduation ceremony last week. Details of this event are recorded in their report below. Please read about their activities and pray for these men as they begin their service to the Lord. Other news is exciting, so please read on about the ways God is blessing the work.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Extension Reports 

The Last Campaign Before Graduation Yields 14 Precious Souls: Students traveled to Mamfe, Cameroon for their last campaign, which resulted in 14 souls obeying the gospel.

A Time Of Thanksgiving From Cambodia: The International Bible Institute of Siem Reap talks about the areas they are thankful for this time of year as we work together.

Evangelism Continues To Be The Focus In Nigeria: Staff and students alike participate each week in the evangelistic efforts guiding the purpose and work in Nigeria.

A “Wonderful” Day Characterized The Recent Graduation In Arusha: This week’s report from Tanzania shares seven wonderful reasons for the work of training preachers in Arusha.

Final Thoughts 
Even though the Thanksgiving holiday is behind us, it does not diminish from the fact that we continue to express our gratitude to God for each of you and all you do for the work of Extension Training. We know this program thrives because of the time, ability, prayer, encouragement, and financial resources provided by you. Thank you for helping train men to preach the gospel around the world.

God bless

Posted on November 30, 2014 .