A Time To Be Thankful, And We Are Thankful For You...

As we near the last month of the year, we are planning for the year ahead. 2015 promises to be one of the best years in extension training. A new school is set to begin in French-speaking Cameroon, with potential locations in Fiji, and five locations in East Africa. The development of these new locations will make 2015 the strongest year in the extension program since its beginning in 1997. Please pray with us as we strive to train preachers around the world.

Next Thursday is a national holiday in the United States. Thanksgiving Day is one where families across the nation come together to enjoy time with family and friends, expressing gratitude for the various blessings in their life. While we all understand the need to be thankful everyday of the year, it is encouraging to know time is taken to focus on what we are thankful for in our lives.

The task of listing in this report every individual who is involved in this work exceeds the realm of possibilities, at least for now. From the Bible Institute, however, we want you to know how much we appreciate all who are involved in making this work what it is today. We know that without each of you, this work would stop. 

We are thankful for the staff and students in each of the current 17 locations that are involved in this kingdom work. We are thankful for the financial supporters who make incredible sacrifices to insure each area of the work continues. We are thankful for the overseeing congregations who assume the responsibilities of each school. We are thankful for the short-course teachers who volunteer their time to travel to these locations and teach. We are thankful for the coordinators who work with the leaders in each location to strengthen the forward progress of the work. We are thankful for the staff and students in Denver involved in the same program and work. We are thankful for every stateside staff member in the program. We are thankful for the elders at Bear Valley whose vision and support of the entire program continue to be a driving force. We are thankful for your encouragement and your prayers. 

I am sure someone was left out, and if so, please forgive me, it was not intentional. We are so thankful for all of you and your dedication to this program.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

Extension Reports 

One Course Away From Graduation In Cameroon (CBIW): Students are nearing their last course of studies and they prepare for graduation, which is only a few weeks away.

The Lord’s Church Grows Despite Muslim Dominance: The outreach of staff and students at the Southern Institute of Biblical Studies impacts a village even with Muslim influence.

Tract Distribution In Campaign Effort Yields Fruit In Togo: Planting the seed of the gospel through distributing tracts has a powerful impact on the the work in Togo.

Students Evangelize And Teach Bible Classes In Nigeria: Students from the Southwest School of Evangelism in Ibadan are putting into practice what they learn in class.

ACSOP Gets Closer To Reaching The Thanksgiving Goal Challenge: The report from Arusha, Tanzania shares exciting news as they are closer to reaching their goal.

Needs For The Coming Year, The Gaines’ Report: Daniel Gaines and family are presently flying to the U.S. on furlough, but their report shares valid needs for 2015.

Final Thoughts 
As you read through the reports this week, we hope you are encouraged. We enjoy sharing the news with each of you. God is good all the time and He continues to bless the efforts of those who are involved in this work every day. We look forward to expanding the outreach of the program and working together with the greatest people on earth.

God bless

Posted on November 23, 2014 .