Ten Conversions And Eight Restorations In Nigeria...


Good morning from UCH (University College Hospital), Yemetu Aladorin Annex, Ibadan.

Brethren, the doctor here now declares me okay! I was rushed here early Tuesday morning by my wife due to my inability to breath well as the result of stress coupled with rainfall that fell on me at Ikorodu - Lagos state last Saturday.

I thank all the SWSE foundation members from the Lagos, Ogun and Ibadan and the students for their phone calls, prayers, and visit.

Brethren, I thought the end had come on Tuesday morning, but to my surprise I was able to come back alive after being admitted into the emergency session of this new annex of UC Hospital and being treated as a Governor in UCH with Salbutamol sulphate electric machine treatment and so on.

Brethren, I thank God for your prayers, love, and concern that I was able to live above 50 years. I was 50 years on April 22, 2014, to the glory of God. Please remember me daily in your prayers (Eph. 6:18-19).

The six students with me in Ibadan for their Vocational Training evangelized Otunolode and Olukotun villages of Lagelu Local Government, Oyo state on Saturday, November 1, 2014 between 8:30 am through 12:00 pm. On Saturday evening, they were used in visiting some of our erring brethren and young converts, while those in Osun state with brother Kayode Solomon Eniafe evangelized Ikoyi and Baale -Ayoo on November 1, 2014 and two brethren reported to be restored after leaving the church for years due to the problems and trials of life.

On Sunday, November 2, 2014, one of the SWSE students, named Idowu Segun, taught on “Combating Heresies from the Book of Colossians,” while I admonished the church at Onikokoro  / Gbongudu on “The Key to Walking on the Mountain Top” (Heb.12:1-2).

Brethren, brother Matthew Odey, one of our BVBI students, and presently the evangelist working with Maryland congregation, Lagos state reported the conversion of five souls in October. Brother Matthew Idowu, one of SWSE - Agege, Lagos campus, reported the conversion of three souls and brother Abiola Joseph Olusoji, one of the evangelists of the Agege congregation, and one of SWSE Ibadan campus instructors, reported the conversion of two souls. Brother Mfon Etim, one of the SWSE graduates and the coordinator of our new campus at Ikorodu-Lagos state, reported the restoration of eight brethren at the new congregation in Oworo-Lagos and the rapid growth of the just planted congregation now rises to 65 in attendance as of October 26 ,2014.

Brethren, the SWSE Ibadan resumes for its second semester on November 7, 2014, Lord's willing, with 15 students for diploma courses and 13 for the advanced BVBI certificate program, and five instructors at the Ibadan campus, plus the computer instructor (to make the total six). Brother Guda Mishi, minister of the University of Ibadan congregation, and a Degree holder in Bible subjects from the School of Biblical studies, Jos, Plateau state, will be our visiting instructor on November 24-28, 2014 teaching on the book of Romans for the whole week.

Beloved, we thank you all for your partnership and brotherly love and it 's our fervent prayer that the Lord of blessing will continue blessing our joint effort in Christ name, amen.

Happy Lord's day to you all!

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Makinde Ebens Olufemi
(Founder &  Director of Studies)
Southwest School of Evangelism (SWSE), Ibadan & Lagos satellite campuses

Posted on November 2, 2014 .