Seeing The Demonstrations Of God's Hand At Work...

Each week that goes by brings us closer to the end of another year and the beginning of a new one. With only two months left in 2014 there is much to reflect on from the year past and all the schools accomplished. Between now and the new year, information will be collected to share with everyone about the achievements of the work in each location. Based on the information from 2013 this will be an exciting time. The program is growing and the level of communication continues to improve.

New reports for the week give a glimpse of the information that will inform the year-end report. The encouragement received from reading about the sacrifices the staff and students are willing to make, the dedication demonstrated by each, and the love that flows from their efforts to share the gospel with others, makes this an incredible opportunity to change the world. 

The work continues by the grace of God and each of you are an instrument in the hands of the Almighty to see the continuation of this work. The fellowship we share as co-workers, together with God, insures the success of the gospel going forth into every nation. Our plans for future development increase the ability the extension program provides in going even further into all the world. We look forward to sharing news about this growth in the years ahead.

We all know there is power in prayer and we ask you to be praying with us and for us as we expand the work in 2015 and beyond. Our God continues to be faithful in answering prayer for this work. We know everyone has seen the demonstration of God’s hand at work. Thank you in advance for all you do.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Read the latest report from Tony Johnson by clicking here.

Read the latest report from Donnie Estep by clicking here.

Read the latest report from Gary Fallis by clicking here.

Read the latest report from Howell Ferguson by clicking here.

Extension Reports 

Students Near The End Of Their Studies: While students near graduation in Cameroon, their efforts to reach out with the gospel continue to see fruit as souls are added to the church.

Congregations Get Help From Uganda School Of Evangelism Students: A decision to help local congregations encourages the brethren in Uganda and gives students experience.

Seven Years And Counting In Cambodia: The years have passed quickly for Phanat Ouch, as he begins his eighth year of work. Phanat reflects on the benefit of his time in Cambodia.

Recent Break In Nepal Leads To Fruitful Service: A recent break from classes in Nepal brought encouraging fellowship, strengthen to congregations, and souls added to the kingdom.

Seminar On Autonomy And Cooperation In Ghana: The Southern Institute of Biblical Studies in Nsawam, Ghana recently hosted a seminar needed to help strengthen the church in Ghana.

Ten Conversions And Eight Restorations In Nigeria: The report from Nigeria is filled with news about graduates, an illness with brother Makinde, and the increase provided by God.

A Thanksgiving Challenge Worth Considering: Examining the needs in Arusha, coupled with a matching gift, make this a “thanksgiving challenge” worth taking time to read.

Missing Home? Think Again From This Perspective: The Gaines’ family prepares for their furlough and provides an interesting perspective about what they miss from home.

Final Thoughts 
One closing word of thanks to each of you for continuing to support the work of extension training. This support involves your prayers, encouragement, time, talent, and finances. We are constantly amazed at your willingness to give whatever it takes to fulfill the task of preaching the gospel throughout the world. We love you all.

God bless

Posted on November 2, 2014 .