Campaigns Highlight The Reports...

The first quarter of studies for students in Denver came to a close Friday at noon. Students then left for campaigns in Arizona and Colorado. The outreach in Arizona is located east of Phoenix and another location at Fort Defiance. Two locations near Denver (Conifer and Aurora) also have students working to share the gospel with those who live in these areas. Once the students return and provide reports, we will share news of their progress. New classes for the students begins on Monday, October 20th.  

Reports within the extension program demonstrate encouraging news about the spread of the gospel and the impact it has on the souls of those who obey. The powerful nature of these reports is based on the diligence applied by these men throughout their studies and outreach. The lessons they learn are shared within the communities where they live and the results are worth taking a few minutes to read about.

Additional news about expanding the program will highlight reports in the future. Research and investigation is occurring as this report is written and read. As the information is compiled and finalized we will share the exciting news of where and when these schools will open. We are thankful for the opportunity to have so many potential locations to consider. This is foundational for the growth of the program.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

To read the latest report from Tony Johnson, please click here.

Extension Reports 

Campaign Cameroon, And A Story Worth Reading: A campaign in Cameroon added 35 new souls to the kingdom and 48 restorations. The story of one of those converted is worth reading.

20 New Students Are Ready To Begin Their Journey: Monday, October 6th, is the day 20 men begin classes as the second intake of students in Kenya.

Tamale Campaign Brings Souls To Christ: A recent campaign in Tamale, Ghana witnessed souls coming to the Lord as the gospel is proclaimed.

The Lord’s Kingdom In Paraguay Is Growing: Troy Spradlin’s report from Paraguay expresses the power of the gospel in changing lives in the work.

A Call To Service In Nigeria: The message recently preached to Christians in Nigeria is simple, “A Call to Service.” This lesson was designed to move Christians to action.

An Interesting Approach: Second-Hand Evangelism: Daniel Gaines shares an interesting avenue for getting the gospel of Jesus into the hands of Tanzanians.

Final Thoughts 
With each day that goes by, we want you to know how much we appreciate all you contribute to the development of the work. This far exceeds the financial gift, because your encouragement and ability adds the various components needed to create success in this program. Thank you for your love for the Lord, His church, and the lost. Thank you for believing in extension training.

God bless

Posted on October 5, 2014 .