Harvest Sunday Is Helping Change The World...

Today is one of those days that encourages people all around the world. I had the privilege of participating in Levy’s Harvest Sunday. The congregation at Levy prepares all year for this amazing event. The goal this year was $305,000 and the initial collection (which is not the final) was already at nearly $302,000. Sharing in this event every year is always a blessing for me. Having the opportunity today to share a message from God’s word about the missional God we serve just added to that blessing.

The elders and mission’s committee at Levy learned the power of leadership in developing this event and encouraging the generosity of these brethren. Between last year’s Harvest Sunday and today, the congregation helped 175 individuals involved in fulfilling the mission of God in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. There are no words to adequately describe the excitement and encouragement received from participating in this event.

Thank you Levy for all you do in the Lord’s kingdom. Thank you for believing in Bear Valley and the work of training preachers. Thank you for your dedication to see the gospel preached around the world. Thank you for allowing me to share in this special day. And, thank you God for working through such wonderful brethren to help in the kingdom work.

Students in Denver continues this week to be fully engaged in the new quarter. Their studies range from the Old Testament to Leadership to Greek. Each step prepares them for greater service in the Lord’s kingdom. Please pray for them as they work diligently to ready themselves to preach the gospel.

Around the world, the work is the same. Reports this week (see below) share news of the same nature, as students prepare themselves for greater service in the kingdom. The passion for the work grows as the information indicates the hand of God blessing the efforts of these men in preaching the gospel. Your prayers on their behalf are appreciated as they also work diligently in the classroom and the kingdom.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

Extension Reports 

A New Birth (Physically And Spiritually) While A Brother Passes: While several mourn the loss of a brother in Christ, they also rejoice with the birth of a child and a new brother.

The Lord Adds To The Church In Togo: God is blessing the efforts in Togo on many fronts, from giving the increase to providing a new and unexpected meeting place for the church.

Two Souls Added To The Kingdom In Nigeria: As the Lord provides the increase, the work of staff and students at the SWSE in Nigeria witnessed two precious souls obey the gospel.

Upcoming Activities In Arusha Will Leave You Encouraged With The Work: The months ahead into the new year will be busy, but the reason is encouraging, to say the least.

The Joy Of Mentoring At The Andrew Connally School Of Preaching: In his monthly report, Sean Hochdorf shares how wonderful it is to mentor some good men in Tanzania.

God Provides Opportunities To Serve The Local Community: The news is always encouraging when men recognize God-given opportunities to make a difference where they live.

An Alumni Report That Is Incredibly Impressive: During a recent Leadership Conference in Tanzania, the alumni from ACSOP shared news that will encourage you.

You Never Know What A Little Duct Tape Can Do In A Pinch: After a little brush with a pike pike, Daniel Gaines only did what he knew he could do to patch the vehicle.

Final Thoughts 
A big thank you to each of you for the incredible sacrifice you make to provide what is needed in the work of training preachers. We love and appreciate you for the blessing you are to us. The opportunity afforded us to work in Denver and around the world in training men to preach is exciting. We look forward to a great future partnering together in changing the world.

God bless

Posted on October 26, 2014 .