The Pivotal Word: Growth...

Growth is the key word for the week. Students are returning to classes this week in Denver. For some, it will be the last quarter of studies before they graduate and enter the work. For others, it will be their second quarter and the challenge of beginning their studies in the Greek language. We are sure they would appreciate your prayers as they begin the first of three quarters of intense study in another language, while keeping up with their additional classes.

We see growth in the program this week as the Kenya School of Preaching began their second class of students. KSOP’s recent graduation in August was an exciting achievement. Now, recognizing their selection of 20 students out of 47 for the second class is amazing. We look forward to learning more about the growth of these men in preparing themselves to preach the gospel in their country.

Further growth unfolds over the next month as two locations (Chimala and Takoradi) will host their graduation ceremonies for the men who are prepared to finish their studies and enter the work. The accomplishments of these men will not go unnoticed or be in vain as they reach out with the gospel of Christ to the lost of their countries.

Growth also came this week in the form of God’s increase to the kingdom. Souls in several locations were added to the church as the gospel was proclaimed and people responded by being baptized into Christ. The joy of reading about these individuals, their love for learning the truth, and their obedience to it, cannot be overstated.

Reading about the growth of the program in Denver and around the world is rewarding in many ways. The fact that God has given us an opportunity to share in the training of preachers on a global scale is beyond words. Our God is great and the development of this work is exciting!!

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Extension Reports 

Gaining Ground In The Prison Ministry Of Cameroon: Throughout the activities of CBIW, the work unfolding in the local prison ministry is reaching out in powerful ways with the gospel.

A New Class Is Settling Into The Work Of The KSOP: Students are excited to begin their journey of biblical studies in Kenya. Twenty men are preparing for kingdom work.

Another Quarter Is Completed in Ghana: Students at the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies finished another quarter and have a short break before continuing their studies.

Graduation Approaches In Chimala And New Students Prepare: Graduation at the Chimala Bible Institute is less than two weeks away and 27 new students prepare to begin.

Graduation, Support, A Baptism, Ebenezer Amable, And Brother Asiamah: These headings are developed in a recent report from the brethren in Takoradi, Ghana about their work.

A New Congregation Is Born Out Of The Recent Bible Lectureship: The Southwest School of Evangelism participated in a recent Bible Lectureship that led to the start of a new congregation.

Areawide Evangelism Meeting Leads To 40 Calls Or Texts: The church in Arusha, Tanzania is distributing tracts with information to call or text one of the leaders, and it is working.

A Different Flavor For Reporting From Daniel Gaines: If you enjoy watching and listening to the report, you will love this week’s message from the Gaines’ family in Tanzania.

Final Thoughts 
As we close out this week’s report, we thank you for taking time to read through the information provided from each location. We hope you were as uplifted and encouraged as we were when reading through the reports. Thank you for making this work a part of your service in the kingdom. Our prayer is that God will bless you richly for your efforts.

God bless

Posted on October 19, 2014 .