Gaining Ground In The Prison Ministry Of Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Accept greetings from Cameroon. I am going to send a very short report because there is no internet and my camera just went bad. Oh, I don’t know what to do for next week to get my pictorial report which I love to send because I may not have it before then, but I will try to see if it gets back. The lens is out and cannot get back inside.

Last week was great as our students are finalizing their studies and also preaching their senior sermons in the Wotutu congregation for the congregation to watch them and make criticism. Keep them in your prayers.

Brother Bea Shadrack, our former student, who is now a full time evangelist with the Buea Road congregation in Kumba. God blessed him yesterday to finally take the hands of sister Fertbert in marriage. Much is till pending for the bride price to fully be free. Keep this young evangelist in your prayers. We continue to be of great encouragement to our students even after their graduation.

Our prison ministry is gaining grounds as we continue to make waves with the gospel and to meet souls who are eager to listen to the truth. After our worship we meet prospects and share the gospel with them, like Mr. William the Roman Catholic representative inside the prison. He came and worshiped with us today and I exposed to him the truth and we handed out more Mission Printing tracts to read. What must I do to be save. We shall continue the follow up on Wednesday.

Our students are gaining experience as they love to go to prison and preach. Brother Yanick was happy after the worship that the scripture has been fulfilled in his life by visiting those in prison.

The lady, who is our closest neighbor, has children who have started seeing the truth. One of them, Abel, obeyed the gospel in the course of the week. Keep him in your prayers.

Enow is her child also. He obeyed, showing the gospel is powerful. Keep this family in your prayers. A total of three precious souls obeyed the gospel within the week.

All our students who went out to do mission work for weekend evangelism are doing well and most congregations are signing contracts to work with our students full time upon their graduation.

Thanks very much for your love for the work here in Cameroon. Only God will reward you for such a wonderful gestures.

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Elangwe and family

Posted on October 19, 2014 .