Youth Camp In Nepal Yields Fruit...

Greetings to you all from NCBS.

We finished our regular classes. We are in our regular curriculum and routine.

We began our five weeks of long holiday September 29th, 2014. We will begin our class the 3rd of November, 2014. We are always busy and happy in October. We had different faces in this year’s youth camp. New youth were from India, East Nepal. We had 70+ youths. Brother Mithun Tamang (current student), Roshan Rana (member from Dhumbarahi), Praksh Tamang (son of a preacher) and I, lead most of the classes from the book of Luke. We didn't cover all chapters. We selected important and useful topics for the youth and presented classes. Four souls were added into the church. Lessons, game-hour, fellowship made them strong in their faith. Their questions, answers, enthusiasm, fellowship, and friendship were awesome. They left each other with lots of joy in tears. I can't forget that moment.

Members and leaders from Kathmandu valley helped a lot in this youth camp. Christians from outside of Kathmandu valley were supportive. They sent their faithful and good young stars in this class. It shows the fellowship and unity in the church. 

Four souls were added in to His kingdom. Please kindly remember them in your prayer.

If the Lord wills we will begin our vacation trip October 10th. We will revisit India, East Nepal, southwest Nepal. Brother Parsuram, Deepak, Surya, I, and some others, will join us. It will be a 15 day trip. I will be back in Kathmandu on the 24th of October. Please kindly pray for us. This will be an important trip for us. We will get more good students for next year. We will build our unity and strengthen churches. We will try to help grow our congregations through our services. We will do our best.


Servant of Christ
Gajendra Deshar

Posted on October 12, 2014 .