A Year End Review Worth Reviewing...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings to you all in Jesus’ name. We wish you all a fruitful year 2014 to you, your family and the entire congregation in Jesus’ name. We do hope you entered into 2014 with sound mind and sound faith towards the work entrusted in your hands for the Lord.

We are doing fine in health and we praise God for making it possible with all the difficulties to enter into 2014 without many problems in health and others.

We are happy to share this report with you which is the first of the year 2014, but carries information of the past year 2013.

We have a paper stacked on our worship hall that is the theme we shall use throughout the year 2014. We aimed at helping our Christians to love and also to make them show love to one another.

We had a good worship service this morning. During the announcements, we had visitors stand to greet and to give their address. We had 5 visitors who came to worship with us and two have booked for studies. Keep them in your prayers.

Our students in CBIW went out for their last campaign, marking the first year of their intensive studies. They have made their way back to the campus with pleasant results. God blessed them in many ways.

Brother Julius Wamo preached house to house in our newly established congregation in Down Beach, Limbe. He met people in amusement areas who came to enjoy leisure, but they met the gospel of Jesus.

Brother Ekele Thierry baptized his father into Christ; what a joy to his father who was a knight in the Roman Catholic church. The head of the family was baptized. Please keep him in your prayers that all in this family will obey the truth in due season.

Brother Agbor James baptized sister Seraphine in Mile One Kumba. Keep her in your prayers to grow to maturity.

Brother Julius Wamo baptized brother John in the Down Beach congregation in Limbe. God is blessing this newly established congregation.

Brother Dikana baptized sister Kathy in Munyenge village. Keep her in your prayers. A total of 61 baptisms were recorded during this last campaign, a total of 66 restorations, and a new congregation in Dikome was established. This congregation recorded 5 souls, and is the first congregation in this very vest community. We need to be sending our students there on a weekly basis, but we may not be able to meet up financially, as the transport to transport a student from Wotutu to that village will cost us about $40 weekly. Please keep this work in your prayers as the people there are very receptive and we cannot allow those souls to perish. We must rob from the strong man’s house as we think souls and put our love into action.

Brother Thierry, sister Sylvia and I prepared handouts for the students as we start the last year of studies tomorrow. Our graduation will be December 17, 2014 and that same day we shall have the third batch matriculation for the GAMMA batch students. We are already receiving application forms from prospective students. Keep this work in your prayers.

Please let me give you our annual report for the year 2013.

Total number of students ending the year: 27

Total number of campaigns: 16 including monthly Bible lectureships, end of quarter campaigns, and special invitations to some communities.

Total number of weekend evangelism: weekly for the whole year.

Total number of baptism: 273 souls

Total number of Restorations: 192 restored

Total number of Congregations revived: above 8

Total number of congregations established: 4 as follows:  COC Mile 4 - February 2013, COC Batoke - August 2013, COC Down Beach Limbe - November 2013, COC Dikome - December 2013.

Our students and staff were also involved in other beautiful works that are growing that all cannot be part of this report. God bless you as you keep these in your prayers.

1) We shall continue with studies, intensively and evangelistically. Please keep this work in your prayers.

2) We have invitations with others preachers to come and help in evangelism. Keep it in your prayers.

We lack words to describe your contributions towards this success. We say thank you and may God continue to bless you and your family for being pillars to the work here in Cameroon. Share our reports with others to help pray or be part of this work in any way.

My family is appreciative to you for all that you have been doing for us. You stood by us the entire time. We thank you and we pray that you continue to stand by us, so that the Lord will use us to accomplish His purpose here in Cameroon as the church continues to grow. God bless you.

Elangwe and family

By His grace, director CBIW

Posted on January 5, 2014 .