Coming To America, From Tanzania...

Greetings Fellow Servants;

We greet you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in Whom we live and have the hope of eternal life, because He lives! We pray all is well with each you and your families as well.

We continue to see God’s mighty hand at work here in Tanzania and throughout East Africa. We are blessed in so many ways, such as with men like Gary Fallis. I was privileged to sit at this man’s feet many years ago while I studied at the Brown Trail School of Preaching. Gary has made 20 trips to Tanzania and many more around the world teaching in some of the 17 Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver’s extension schools. The good being done through the BV school and all her sister schools can be measured in souls being saved and lives being changed for eternity.

Report from Josaphat Massawe (Evangelist for the Kilimanjaro congregation and Director of the Moshi Bible School): “We visited Bwawani, meaning ‘in the dam”, a small village surrounding a man made lake. We have one Christian sister, who has influenced two other ladies to obey the Gospel. They invited me to come and conduct worship service. They had invited ten people to come and listen to the teaching of the Bible. We now have two new congregations towards Magadini area and one more in Rombo district. ….We rejoice last Sunday one precious soul was added to the Lord’s Body. Here name is Naomi, a Maasai lady. She is a professional teacher. Edward was baptized a week before Naomi, he is from Monduli Juu, working as a night guard here in Moshi. He is a devoted learner of the Word of God. In His Service, Josephat & Anna

From the ladies: Each Friday, Stephanie and Jane Massawe conduct Bible studies in the area of the newly planted White Rose area of Arusha. A couple of weeks ago, while they were walking from one study to another, they were stopped on the road by a man by the name of Gared. He asked them if they would please come and teach him God’s Word (I know this happens every day where you live). Last week they began the study and after learning the Truth, he asked to be baptized into the Body of Christ. Amen!

Update: Thank you all for your positive response regarding Yusuph’s evangelistic trip. He has made one trip already, having taught 8 families and is to return in the coming days to teach them as well as several others. Please continue to pray for this amazing opportunity.

Coming to America: For years we have been working with World Video Bible School, translating and video taping Ki-Swahili Bible lessons, books of the Bible, etc. We now have three more lessons done and with your prayers and help, Christopher, his wife Julia and Charles Heberth will be coming to Texas to tape these lessons. We need to raise $7,500 for their airline tickets and visas. Can you help us help the good people of East Africa (over 150 million souls) hear the Word of God? Thank you for all you do and thank you in advance for helping us in this evangelistic outreach effort. Until all have heard…….

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on January 19, 2014 .