Jump-Start On A New Year...

We are seeing a strong “jump-start” to the new year after two weeks of witnessing the mighty hand of God blessing the work of extension training. Last week’s year-end report explained the progress over the last twelve months. The growth in 2013 was simply the beginning of greater things to come. Students continue to preach the gospel and souls are responding to the message of Christ. The seed is planted and watered and God is causing the growth (1 Co. 3:6).

Reading about the development of the work this week from South America to Nepal emphasizes the way the program is growing. The interest level grows among students who desire to prepare themselves to lead in the Lord’s kingdom. We learned of the largest number of students enrolled in the Nepali Center for Biblical Studies. The enthusiasm of directors and teachers is exciting to see as they report about the progress.

The possibilities of adding new schools in 2014 encourages everyone on staff. Locations in West Africa, the South Pacific, and the Philippines are a few areas under consideration and discussion. We ask you to pray with us and for us that we might have the wisdom to make the right decisions and follow the will of God in developing new schools for training men to preach the gospel.

Thank you for remembering the work of extension training. We need you and appreciate you for the way you provide for the progress of the work. We look forward to a wonderful year of seeing more souls added to the kingdom and sharing the news with you.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

“Into Our Hands The Gospel Is Given” Read the latest report from Gary Fallis by clicking here.

“A Look Back” Read the latest report from Donnie Bates by clicking here.

Extension Reports 

The Work In Dikome Is Growing: As the gospel is preached in Dikome, Cameroon, the church is growing and CBIW continues to provide help.

Largest Class Begins In Nepal: With thirteen students enrolled at the Nepal Center for Biblical Studies, the future looks exciting as students grow in their interest to study.

A New Year Brings Restoration In Nigeria: After lessons presented near the SWSE campus, two men were restored to the Lord’s family.

Fellowship, Fellowship And More Fellowship: The growth and development of the work in Paraguay is highlighted with the fellowship among brethren.

A Providential Story Worth Reading: The working of God is amazing and an act of benevolence leads to people hearing the gospel.

Final Thoughts
We ask you to consider how you can be involved in greater ways throughout 2014. Numerous areas of service will need to be fulfilled and if you are interested, please contact me at bturner@bvbid.org. Thank you for all you do to participate in the growth of God’s kingdom in each location where men are being prepared to preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

God bless

Posted on January 12, 2014 .