Growing And Planning For More Growth...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Cameroon. Your brothers and sisters are better in health. We praise God and we thank you for your prayers.

In Ediki this week, the Lord added brother Daniel Tekwe. Please keep him in your prayers to grow and also help in many ways in the development of the church.

The week went on well at CBIW. Rain is still in its peak here as rain falls all day long; day after days. We do hope you are doing great over there with your family and the church.

This weekend we went out again to Ediki, as we continue to nurture the young revived congregation. Some students went to Batoke Village for the establishment of the church of Christ in that west coast community. By the grace of God the new congregation was established. We don’t have pictures to that event because there was no camera there.

The new congregation started worshiping today with 6 members. One of our graduates from the alpha batch, evangelist Opel, was part of it. We remain there and continue to serve as he moves from his previous location because of ill health. Keep this work in your prayers as we shall continue to send our students there weekly for weekend evangelism to help the congregation grow.

Some CBIW students traveled to Ediki Village involved in evangelism. The work in Wotutu continues to grow and more brethren, who had fallen away, are coming back to the Lord with happiness because there are people who can preach to them. Above 40 worship, and as we move house to house we continue to discover many who were members and are willing to come back. Keep praying.

My wife and I, along with some members of our congregation, went to the Buea congregation for a seminar for married people. It was good for two days.

1) Our students will commence their long course exams tomorrow. Please keep them in your prayers.

2) After the short courses, our students will travel to many locations again for campaign.

3) Students will have short courses and elder Randy Martin will be in Cameroon, by His grace, to teach from the book of 1 Corinthians. Keep him in your prayers.

God bless you for all that you are doing for the work here. Only God will reward you for all that you do. We thank you and you are in our prayers.

Please do your best to share this report with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director CBIW

Posted on August 25, 2013 .