Mobile Clinics In Chimala - Wagner Report...

One of the many ways that the Wagner family works at Chimala includes doing mobile clinics. Rena (a OB Registered Nurse) and Cheryl Bode (also a RN) team up to go into rural villages to do vaccinations, education, and check ups. Rena does pregnancy checks for women who live too far out to go to the doctor for a proper check up. Our cook, Mama Betti, goes with her to translate. Just today, Rena did a check-up on 9 pregnant Massai women. Cheryl did vaccinations and taught the women about burns and 'stop, drop, and roll.' Anna and Laura (our oldest two daughters) go along as well and help with the paperwork and weighing babies. It truly is a great experience!

Preaching and Teaching
One of the aspects of mission work here is the ability to preach in many different congregations. I recently traveled to Dar es Salaam. I preached at the Mbagala church of Christ. They are in the process of appointing Scriptural leadership, but have recently had some set backs. I went to encourage them to continue the process. I also preached at the Temeke church of Christ. They have a Bible School in their church building which is doing some good work in the local community.

I also preached recently at the Luhovelo church of Christ. I was quite surprised as there were several local secondary school students present and active during the worship service. What a blessing! The congregation blessed the missionary that Sunday!

I am looking forward to starting teaching again at the Chimala Bible Institute. I will be teaching 1st and 2nd Thessalonians to our English students. It is always a positive experience to help train preachers!

Furlough 2013
We are going to be going back to the US for a visit later this fall. We are going to be doing some continuing education classes, renewing driver's license, seeing family and friends, and making reports to supporting congregations. We have raise over $8,000 toward our trip home. Thank you very much! However, we are needing an additional $3,000 to be able to purchase tickets. We need to go ahead and purchase them because the price continues to rise. If you can help us get home for a much needed visit, please let us know.

The Wagner Family Tidbits
We recently took a trip to God's Bridge -- a natural formation south of Mbeya. We enjoyed the trip off the mission to see God's beautiful creation.

One of the many things we really enjoy is going to the Massai villages. We were recently invited to special occassion at Matebete where groups from many different areas of Southern Tanzania came to do a Massai dance competition. We had beef, rice, and a whole lot of fun!

Thank you for the prayers and the support that you give to this mission and our family. Please continue to pray as we work to make a difference in the lives of many in SW Tanzania.

Chad Wagner

To see Chad’s report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on August 18, 2013 .