Mission In Cameroon Brings Souls To Christ...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from your brothers and sisters here in Wotutu in particular and in Cameroon as a whole. Hope you are all doing well in faith and in health in your area.

As I write this mail we just returned from mission with some selected students for weekend evangelism to four different locations. Thanks for your prayers; we came back safe and sound. The Lord helped us to accomplished His purpose this weekend.

Brother Frank Anold Ebang obeyed the gospel. Keep him in your prayers to grow and help many in his Roman Catholic family to see the truth as he is zealous to carry the truth to them.

I taught during our annual youth retreat in Cameroon. I was teaching on the topic prayer and God’s reactions toward prayers. It was good for the youth who have a lot to ask from the Lord and will always need and instant answer.

The retreat brought youths from all over Cameroon, it was also a great time for me to meet with some of our graduates. Sharing their struggles, passion and visions for the work in their area was awesome for me to hear. Please keep them in your prayers, the going is hard for these young evangelists in the field.

The next stop was Ediki Village. Ediki Village is a road side village which had the church of Christ since 1974, but the church stopped worshiping about 3 years ago because there was no one to preach to them. We met some backsliders, we shed physical tears about the church and were ready to come back. They took us to meet with others who were part of the church many years ago so that we could talk and possibly bring them back. Many came, some make flimsy excuses, some are staying in another village, some live on their farm because now is the heart of the peak of farming season, and some are dead. That was the most sad part of the story. The work will work well. Keep it in your prayers.

House to house evangelism yielded backsliders to return. In the course of doing so we met those who are interested to listen to the gospel. They asked reasonable questions and we used the Bible to expose their denominational errors. Nangoh Rosaline was baptized and put on Christ.

On the left, sister Mbone Agnes went into the water pool of baptism to rise up and walk in newness of life. She is a trader along the road and saw us in June when we came by on our way from Kumba. She helped us trace the church and she obeyed the gospel this morning. Keep her in your prayers. She said she was a deaconess in her denomination.

A total of 4 precious souls were added by the Lord during this trip in Ediki village. Sister Eyong Tak is over 80 years of age. She obeyed and shouted after her baptism, “THANK YOU LORD I AM NOW A BORN AGAIN.” Keep her in your prayers also.

We came across an abandoned hall which was already collapsing. We were able to worship in the hall today. The congregation was revived and we shall be sending our students every weekend to preach, teach and do house to house evangelism and by so doing we shall fish out some more fallen away Christians.

We went there, four of us to do the revival and by His grace we worshipped 31 today. It is a good work and we shall continue preaching the message and reaching out to the community until we can keep a graduate there after they finished from school to be there permanent, so that the souls will continue to feed well on the word.

I spent time clearing grass and making the abandoned building look good again for worship today. The church hall is risky now, as it is soft because of the rain that is falling from the roof, the building was built using clay. Now that the zinc is off the roof, water dissolved it as fast as possible, it is risky and can collapse while worship is going on. There are some urgent needs for the work, like wood, 5 sheets of zinc, blocks to erect the wall, benches, and Bibles for studies.

1) We shall continue with the Ediki mission weekly. Please pray.

2) We shall continue with evangelism efforts to establish a new congregation in Batoke village. Some students were there over the weekend again.

Great God, we thank you for all that you are doing here through your children who are part of this work. God bless them and continue to make it possible for them to continue this great work.

Thanks for your prayers and support. God bless you. Please share this report with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director CBIW

Posted on August 11, 2013 .