God Gives A Great Increase And Persecution Follows...

Dearest in Christ,

Amazing grace and love is what we wish you all over there. We are happy that we were able to come together in one accord to worship God in spirit and in truth. We hope the worship of God was awesome where you are.

Our students enjoyed a spectacular event as they went for the very first time to this locality. It is far from Wotutu with horrible roads, but we had the call to come and help and we sent brother Agbor James. He did a great job. He baptized brother Anthony who obeyed the gospel in Mundemba.

The students of CBIW made their way back to Wotutu yesterday and just 3 are still on the way struggling in bad roads, as I write this report, to get back from their villages to Wotutu. They came back refreshed and ready to start another semester which will be the 3rd in their first year of studies. They came with lots of appreciation and request from the mission field where they serve in 24 different locations. Traditional rulers, who we must notify as our students get into their villages, sent their appreciation back to the school and God receives all the glory. They brought great news and we shall share the moments of joy with you as you are part of this great work. Thank you for being there for us and making all these things happen.

Brother Abgor also baptized sister Emeline in Mumdemba. This is the first congregation and the only congregation now in Ndian Division. They continue to cry out for us to come and help them. We are ready to go and we shall go. Keep us and all our efforts to reach out as we think souls and go to rob from the strong man’s house.

The revived congregation in Mundemba worshiped in the house of one of the adult brothers. Keep praying for this young, but fertile soil for the gospel, as we map out plans to reach out with the pure undiluted word to this community. Brother Agbor came back with words of encouragement that we should not relent our efforts to continue sending students to that community. The authorities are eager that we should come back.

Thanks for your prayers for all the students safety since they left campus for campaign. They are happy to be back even though some of them that went to a remote village in Matoh Butu were beaten terrible by some Roman Catholic youths with their catechist, who was very angry that our student Dikana and Thiery studied with his son and the son was reading the scriptures from his father’s Bible with some apocryphal books for close to 7 hours. He made up his mind after seeing the truth to be baptized. After the youths beat our students, the young baptized brother Lawrence told his father, and the other youths, that they should stop deceiving many to lose their salvation. He read from his father’s Bible the truth that he said “you have hidden from me since I was born.” The brother in 30 years said he will not look behind again. Today as I type this mail the minister in that congregation called me and said all went on well and they brother was happy to see and be part of the New Testament worship and was impressed. Oh, oh many 21st century persecution is coming our way these days. Please, please keep us in your fervent prayers.

The Wotutu congregation today visited with our 3 month old baby in Christ, brother Kunda Julius, who was a chairman in the large Roman Catholic assembly here in Wotutu. He has started going to the pulpit and today he officiated with the collection. We were impressed with his courage and zeal to study more so that he will help many in his family who are staunch Roman Catholics. Please keep him in your prayers.

In our worship today at Wotutu, a brother did the reading during our morning Bible study. We had 3 visitors who came for worship even though with the torrential down pour of rain. 110 strugglee with the rain to make it to our worship hall. Ebia Samson, who was one of the visitors told us that he listened to our morning preaching and has decided to come fully and start worshiping with us, but he is a theology student in Grace Mission. We had a good discussion in my office and we shall visit him and share the pure light of the gospel soon.

Preachers in the field signed and evaluation sheet with some leaders in the congregation to report back to us about our students.

Statistics for this second evangelistic campaign in 24 locations.

Studies on house to house - many studies with our 27 students in 24 locations.

Number of Baptism - a total of 58 souls were added in those congregations.

Number of restorations - a total of 27 Christians who had fallen away came back with joy.

Revived  Congregations - Mundemba congregation is back to the light, and we shall not allow it again. Help us in your prayers and any way you can be part of this work.

1) We shall leave Campus this weekend with all the students to attend the special invitation from the Muyuka congregation to come and help them. Evangelism is our mission and our mission is evangelism. So, we are happy with any opportunity that comes our way to reach out to souls, because daily we thinks souls. We must go so as to rob from the strong man’s house.

2) We still plan for Batoke work to establish a new congregation.

3) We shall go to Ediki village to revive a congregation that stopped worshipping since 2010, because they don’t have someone to preach there.

God bless you for all that you are doing for the work here. God alone will reward you for all your great gestures toward the cross. Thank you for standing with us.

Students also came with lots of appeal for Tracts and Bibles. We shall handle it with time.

Do your best to share this report with others. We shall love to read your comments.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director CBIW

Posted on July 14, 2013 .