An Appeal For Help In Takoradi...

Dear Brethren,

We thank God for His mercies and kindness upon us as we progress steadily towards the end of another school term. We also thank God for you, our brothers, who have been holding up our hands in our efforts to prepare laborers for the Lord’s vineyard.

We had our mid-term break June 16- 23, 2013. It afforded me the opportunity to slow down and take some needed rest and to follow the doctor’s orders fully.  Incidentally, my 67th birthday fell within that week (June 17). It was significant because it was one of the rare cases in which my birthday fell on Monday, the day of the week on which I was born.

In about a month from now our third and final term of the 2012/2013 academic year will end. That means the Seniors would have completed their studies at West Coast –a journey of two years which started in September of 2011. The class is made up of three elderly men and two young men.

In a group photo, the oldest student, George Hodofia is first from the left (in his mid-sixties), and the youngest, George Kuntoh is second from the right (in his mid-twenties). The rest, are from left to right, Solomon Pantsil, David Mbedu and Kofi Krampah.

The Junior Class is nearing the completion of their first year in school. We still have health problems among students and teachers. At the time this picture was taken three students were not in school – there was one admitted to the Regional Hospital, and two others recovering at home.

Brother Arthur who obtained the Masters from Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver last year teaches most of the Old Testament  books as well as Homiletics, The Preacher and His work and Marriage and the Home. He preaches for the church in Kwesimintsim, Takoradi. The church is preparing for the ordination of elders and deacons in the first quarter of 2014. Currently various classes and training sessions are in progress. Brother Arthur receives calls to participate in lectureships, gospel campaigns and special training classes which he fulfills during school vacations.

Jerome Torh, the Liberian refugee who recently lost his wife is seeking help to go back to Liberia with his two children, a boy and a girl. Jerome graduated from West Coast last November. Some of you helped to pay the hospital bills for his ailing wife and when she died you helped with the funeral expenses. Posted below is a breakdown of what he needs to go back and settle in Liberia.

  • He and his two kids will need $1300 for air fare ( 300 each person plus 400 for belongings)
  • House rent of $100 a month
  • Food for the three at $50 a month
  • School fees for kids – son $300/year and daughter $400/year.
  • Will need $200 for cooking utensils.

We are raising some local funds for him, but I am afraid that will not scratch the surface of what he needs. I herby appeal on his behalf to brethren to help get him the funds to go home. Please, channel you assistance through brother Steven Ashcraft, our BVBID coordinator (email: Steven Ashcraft I have attached a copy of his appeal for your information which contains his contact number and e-mail address.

Sorry State of our Access Road
This road was built a little over four years ago. We have maintained it and made it motorable till the last two years when some heavy construction work started at the foot of the steep hill. The man who built there and worsened the road promised to help fix it but now that his building is ready for renting, he is nowhere to be found. Plus, other construction works uphill have done much damage to the road. Until it was disturbed, it held its own for well over two years and a half. Some local roads made with heavier equipment under experienced civil engineers are torn down in less than two years. Ours has held longer under same conditions with heavy trucks plying it every week. So far, brother Charles and I are able to drive up to the school with some difficulty. It is motorable with challenges and tire wearing when dry but unmotorable when wet and slippery.

We have company on top of the hill. A guest house is under construction across from our admin/classrooms block and others have started building private houses nearby. We shall soon lose our sole occupancy of the hilltop. We pray we do not lose much of the quietness we have enjoyed for the past seven years. We would much rather have a guest house up there with us than a noisy Pentecostal/holiness church.

Computers: Brother Ashcraft visited West Coast and gave us three laptops to supplement the computers we have available for training and research. With those we now have six working computers. Our target is ten for our twenty students. We still need four more. Can you help us?

Thank you again, and may the Lord continue to bless and keep you all.

Your servant for Jesus’ sake
Daniel K Ampadu-Asiamah  

To see brother Daniel's report with pictures, please click here.

To read brother Jerome's appeal, click here.

Posted on July 14, 2013 .